Part 1 in our theory series on Petyr Baelish, better known as Littlefinger.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Game of Thrones
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  1. The only theory I can come up with is that there was something in the letter about some plan that she did not want Ned to know about. That plan may have required her to beat Ned there, hence why she was in such a rush to leave as soon as she wakes up. And Littlefinger might have told us what she was going to ask by saying "except why you are here". So maybe she was going to ask "Does he know why I am here?"

  2. Hiya, in response to your appeal, I would like to add some clarity for you.  I believe Catelyn was about to  say… the dagger.  "Does Varys know about the dagger".  The same dagger that was sent in an ornate carved box, was clearly labelled for Catelyn's eyes only, the box also contained a bag of silver.  A dangerously secret letter, so well hidden it may never have been found!  The letter's contents, as read out by Catelyn we know are lies, since the  Lannisters did not kill Jon Arryn.  IMO, I believe it contained instructions for the use of the dagger.  Therefore Catelyn's knew about the dagger, as she acknowledges by these thoughts when the assassin struck, 'when she turned from the widow, THE MAN was in the the room with her'.

  3. Hiya, in response to your appeal, I would like to share with you my belief that Catelyn was about to  say… the dagger.  Does Varys know about the dagger.  The same dagger that was sent in an ornate carved ed box, Clearly labelled for Catelyn's eyes only!  also contained a bag of silver.  A dangerously secret letter, so well hidden it may never have been found!  The letter's contents, as read out by Catelyn we know are lies, since the  Lannisters did not kill Jon Arryn.  IMO, I believe it contained instructions for the use of the dagger.

  4. Let's just say hypothetically you're right; Catelyn conspires with Baelish to kill Ned.  It doesn't fit Season 2X4 where she realizes Baelish betrayed both Ned and her and pulls a knife on Baelish and wished Brandon had killed him. In essence your theory falls apart.  

    I guess you can add another reason to think Catelyn sucks.   When she pulled the knife on Baelish, she didn't kill him when she had he chance.  Would Joffrey killed Sansa for that?

  5. If you ask me cat is the one to blame for all these because she was waging her tail to him but she knew that she was promised to another man….it just came full circle the choices she made.

  6. You don't suppose Catelyn was going to ask Littlefinger if Varys knew about the plot to get rid of Ned? You guys mentioned in your 'Catelyn Sucks' videos (which are amazing) she was eager to get Ned out of Winterfell. Referencing your Ned's bastards video, what if Catelyn found out and was desperate to get back at Ned and have Robb become the new Lord Stark? What if Catelyn was plotting with Littlefinger to get Ned sent to the Wall, only for Littlefinger to betray her and have Ned executed. O.o

  7. Ths show has a very strong skyrim/wow similarity to it.
    The night king : the lich king
    danny /aegon targaryan (aka jon snow) : the dragon born
    the south (king's landing: : imperials
    The north : Storm cloaks

  8. Sansa's childish dreams about marrying jeoffery is bad and annoying, she can't see his real personality? I mean the little shit even hurt the butcher's boy without any reason . how can she be so blind?

  9. Cat'spaw dagger is an awesome weapon, it fits Arya perfectly.
    She has a tool to kill the white walkers and the night king now that she has Valerian steel, a dagger is a perfect weapon for an assassin.
    my guess is that Arya would be the one to kill the night king and therefore the whole army of the dead by taking the face of a white walker to get close to the night king, or it would be jon snow and danny jon is on a dragon that danny rides, and he would jump on the night king's dragon and then kills him with long claw.

  10. He was possibly the most cunning person in GOT.
    I respect that but I don't respect his methods.
    the way Arya killed him was disappointing tbh he was a major player and deserved a more epic death.

  11. i havent read the books guys but, if you watch S02E04 again you will find the scene where littlefinger walks into catelyn's tent and after about 30secs she tells him to get out, then he tries to plead with her saying something himself and being cut off by Cat while she point a dagger towards him asking him if he has lost his mind? what littlefinger says before he was cut off is: "Cat I– I loved you since I was a boy. It seems to me that fate has given us this chance to–"… I always wondered why on the show they are wasting so much time reminding us that PETYR LOVES CAT AND SANSA so much.(and to think this was when season 5 was to come out…we hadn't heard him say it even that much). That made me wonder and i know most people will say this is a long shot(and i am saying that myself sometimes) but knowing martin and how much of his books are based on lineages and false facts, what if sansa is not really Ned Starks daughter and she is actually Littlefinger's… right now it would play perfectly with the show now that jon is a dragon bran is the three eyed raven arya is/was a faceless man or whatever and Rickon is dead… Sansa would no longer be a legitimate heir to the north and the starks would no longer have a lord or lady to rule over winterfel(there must always be a stark at winterfel) now if you are dismissing this theory because of the kiss that petyr gave sansa then keep in mind we've seen some crazy shit on this show with the incests and whatever, and now we saw aunt danaerys fucking nephew aegon so it could be that baelish struck out with the woman he loved and wished to marry their daughter, a perfect resemblance to the woman he fell in love(he is sick that way) also if this theory becomes a reality then sansa has just killed hed father(also fits with the world of game of thrones) i mean they burned a little girl for no fucking reason:P) now i dont have that much time to do research about timelines and locationwise but if this is something you would be interested in looking over please let me know what you think! you can dismiss it right away if you like —————->The Order of the Green Hand

  12. I do not know if you're still after thoughts regarding, "Does Varys know about…"; I do have one…I believe that Catelyn knew, all along, about Lysa's ongoing affair with Petyr Baelish. It is, in truth, poorly veiled. She even gets her "lover" appointed to a position in the Vale, which brings him about as close to her bed as possible, and if not that, certainly allowed ongoing communication/pillow talk/manipulation on the part of Baelish. Once Lysa is in KL, I have to believe that affair got to be a bit more direct, and that Catelyn knew. A raven didn't bring that box of goodies at the top of Batshit Cat's run, right? It had to be delivered, and they have a code language, which I bet they never stopped using. What better way to conceal ongoing affairs, etc. If Cat is sore about being married to Ned and all the rest, I can certainly see her taking Lysa's part on the matter of her abortion and marriage to a much older Jon Connington. Just some thoughts…so maybe it is, "Does Varys know about you and Lysa?"

  13. I've never liked/always suspected Catelyn. If you ask me, she has been in on Petyr's schemes since he got to King's Landing. She wanted to go south, get her kids in court, and an opportunity to get Jon away. As you guys said, she and Lysa's letter is highly suspect. How better to do that than to join in a conspiracy to make her husband The Hand along with her sister and the boy who'd risk his life for her? He'd probably been communicating with her and turning her against Ned since he'd come back with Jon.

  14. I like the show for what it is, but they have ruined Little Finger by several degrees. Following how he has everything wrapped around his little finger (te he) in the books is as interesting as what Dani and Jon are doing. He is by far the best player of the game. That's why I was shocked at his stupidity in the show by marrying Sansa to Ramsey.

    And a side thought. 18:46 Do you think they got lazy with Cersi's hair styles in later seasons compared to this?

  15. Petyr cuts off Catelyn at mid sentence because he does not want to go into a controversial subject that would require him to lie to explain things. such as the details of his former and current relationship with lysa and the poisoning of jon arryn, instead he wants Cat to focus on the dagger debacle. Littlefinger is always careful to avoid incriminating himself. Also he is probably being careful not to allow the little birds to pick up any secrets hes hiding from Varys.

  16. I just recently found your videos, but holy lord, they are incredibly insightful and I believe everything both of you say! I was a wolf but you made me a sheep….and I thank you for it.

  17. I don't think he bought the dagger, it's said that tywin offered immense riches to poor families for there valyria steel swords, but couldn't buy one. I think he would also buy any other valyrian steel item to melt it down!

  18. I think that LF played both Lysa and Catelyn, using them to his advantage whenever he needed – although he had to be more clever with Cat because she's not nearly as dumb or needy as Lysa, and had more of a sense of duty. He seems to be a bit of a sociopath; I don't doubt he had real feelings for Cat in the beginning but after his defeat by Brandon and everything that followed – or perhaps her toying with him – he no longer feels that. I can't tell the direction that took for him though. Did he see it as betrayal which was his fuel to conquer, did she continue correspondence after her eventual marriage to Ned which includes her in his schemes, or did it allow him to consider a larger dream once he got over her? Either way, he leaves on good enough terms to appear later and appeal to Catelyn's emotions enough for her to trust him.
    Then he sets her up to begin a war, risk her entire family's life, all while he's good ol' trustworthy Petyr.
    Now even better – her daughter, more beautiful and just as fucking annoyingly overconfident in their intelligence (just because men tell you you're smart, doesn't mean they don't just want in your pants!) heir to Winterfell, and potentially Queen of the North (and I'm sure in his mind, potentially all of Westeros.)

    Took out all those who dun him wrong, gets the girl who he conveniently has been able to groom and mindfuck from a young age AND is the better version of his only love. Oh, and POWERR.


  19. The thing is the debt problem started way before Petyr became Master of Coin. There was a royal wedding, the cost of Roberts Rebellon, the royal fleet had to be rebuilt and then there was the Greyjoy rebellion. It was around the time of the Greyoy war that LF got the job. So it was Roberts free spending ways as well as these expenses I listed that got him the job as well as his abilities to raise revenues.

    As far as Petyr stealing money, I don't think that Westeros has the same sort of ethics that we have. It would have been expected that someone like Petyr and his friends would enrich themselves with their posts. Having a custom post for instance, usually the custom officials pay is based on a percentage of the total revenues. Maybe Petyr would have even had trouble over what he had done, maybe he would have lost his head but they needed him to win over Lysa. I don't know if people saw him as secretly ruling the Vale but when Tyrion was thinking of proposing to bring the Vale into the War he went to Littlefinger. Of course Tyrions offer was not genuine, he sent Myrcella to Dorne instead.

    As far as the passage goes, I would guess that Cat was wondering if Varys knew why she was there and what had happened with Bran. I don't think she would have mentioned anything about what Lysa had written her at this point. Petyr had been a friend, even like a little brother at one point but she had not seen him in years.

  20. It would be obviously inclined that Robin of the Vale is Peters. Does varys know? Yes, as is obvious, that varys and Peter are in league with each other. They seem detached even though their roles would of inclined alot cooperation on the small council. It's a visage for the spies to inform a narrative as designed. It's evident in all of their interactions. Although there is some link with the many face God and the faceless man in Kings landing and the bravosi swordsmen. The plot is large and the financing of certain parties abroad and at home.

  21. I disagree that Littlefinger whispered into Joffrey's ear to kill Ned. Lannisters could still bargain Jaime with Sansa and Arya if they wanted to. Killing Ned was a wimp from Joffrey just because his mother and Sansa asked him not to do. Also, Ned had informed Stanis and informed the Queen he informed Stanis (correct me if I am wrong, memory might play trick on me) so the war would have come eventually. I don't see how Littlefinger got that close to Joffrey, being of low birth and Cercei clearly demonstrates she prefers power over knowledge in a famous scene. I give that Littlefinger gets most of the situations that do not work exactly as he plans so far up to season 7 when his plans appear to be shaking.

  22. anyone else find it cool since the plot leak of episode 4 season 7 that LF could have been a braavosi sword fighting water dancer and beaten Brandon stark for Caetlyns hand???

    given his roots are from braavosi fighters and his skinny stature similar to Aryas is deadly lol

    but due to westorosi culture they didn't train little finger like a braavosi sell sword instead the used their own standards and left him to fend with accounts and book keeping lol

    that's cool right?


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