Part 2 in our theory series on Petyr Baelish, better known as Littlefinger.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. What do you guys think of the possibility that Mance hired/sent the catspaw? He did tell jon that he was at Winterfell that day Robert came to visit and he saw everyone. He even brought a bag of silver that was coincidentally left where where the catspaw was staying the in stable. Mance also was amount the bards and freeriders with Robert to blend in, so he could have met up with the cat spaw. It would make sense since Mance too would benefit from a Stark and Lannister feud since that means more opportunity for the Wildling armies to wreak havoc in the north. That would be the perfect opportunity to sow discord(which he may have planed to do somehow anyway).
    Why else would Mance waste all that time and risk a perilous journey over the wall JUST to hangout at a party in Winterfell to see the Starks and Robert? Also note the idea of Mercy every one was talking about for a crippled/comatose child(Robert, Sandor, Joff). Something that the Wildlings also agree with. It's a pretty plausible theory especially when you consider that the Catspaw could have also been a willing agent accompanying Mance or sent ahead.

  2. Littlefinger had men whispering tales about Joff at Highgarden, and there were men whispering ideas about the need to end Brans suffering around joff. I don't see it hard to conclude that Littlefinger was behind the whisperings as well.

  3. i don't usually help theorists but… you know, jays are considered as a species of crows. haven't watched the entire series and even this video but, if you put out a braavosi conspiracy, i will be thrilled.

  4. The Littlefinger Rulebook:
    #1 In order to get people to do what you want, you must first know what they want.
    #2 Confuse your enemies, and hide your motives.
    #3 Plant seeds. People are much more likely to go along with what you want, if they think it's their own idea, rather than a suggestion from you.
    #4 No loose ends.
    #5 Always choose the catspaw best suited to the task.
    #6 Know how the players are, who the pieces are, and most importantly: don't trust anyone [but DO trust them to act in their own self-interest].
    #7 Have friends, but be discreet about it.
    #8 Always appear to be friendly and helpful.
    #9 Keep your distance and your hands clean.
    #10 Hidden daggers are more dangerous than visible ones.

  5. Wow, I always loved tywin, but with your little finger series I begin to admire him to, I still think he is way more bad then good for the kingdom, unlike tywin, but he is a genius! I recommend to watch Preston jacobses videos on him to, as he talks a lot about Littlefingers possible goals, and his debt scheme!

  6. "You can lead a horse to water, but with Joffrey you had to splash it about to make him realize he can drink it." When I read that is when I figured out that he was responsible for Ned's death

  7. At 2:05 you pronounce 'gaolers' as "gay-lors". It's pronounced "jail-ors". The word 'jail' is pronounced the same as it's original word but is spelt differently – more phonetically – than the original English of 'gaol' (pronouncing the g as a hard g as in 'gym' not a soft one like 'go').

  8. Oh lord, I just noticed that Charisma On Command plagiarized your first few rules
    I doubt that it's a coincidence he came up with the same rules, he used the exact order and word choice!

  9. Having already watched most of the videos on this channel I know the stance of the Order on this but for everyone else: Take into account the comment from GRRM shown at the very end of this video about how people are not supposed to know through foreshadowing what will happen in two books and then think about how many people "know" about R + L = J by now and how propable it really is.

  10. My suggestion for your question of what was Cat about to say when LF cut him off? IHO that you need to look for the doubles in GRRM's stories. Sorry not to have any references to the text as I only have the Audible versions.

    For instance, Ser Duncan the Tall aka Dunk in the earlier Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas, is said to be as "thick as a castle wall". Small Paul, the large oaf who wants Lord Commander Mormont's crow after they assassinate him is also referred to as being "thick as a castle wall". Also, as you pointed out in one of your "Revelations", Egg had his Dunk and Aegon has his Duck.

    Of course there are many and more of such examples, such as the Twincestors, Jamie and Cercei–who only feels whole when he's in her. Jamie is trying to learn to use a sword with his left hand as is Arya. Then there's, Ser Arthur Dayne who could fight just as well with his left hand as his right and Khorin Half Hand also learned to fight with his left hand after he lost his fingers. Davos lost the tips of his fingers and became King Stannis' Hand.

    So, I liked it when you analyzed LF's name "Baelish" because that points out another double with Bale the Bard who, according to legend reduced to song, seduced the then only Stark daughter and left her with a child and a blue flower just as Rhaegar did in this back story with Ned's sister. They too lived in the Crypts below Winterfell.

    This doesn't even consider the many "foils" GRRM uses such as Robert and Ned, two very different peas fostered in the same pod. Robert started his Rebellion when Rhaegar ran away with his betrothed, Ned's sister but Ned gave up his true love to get the support of the Tully's to help Robert who was about to be caught or killed by John Connington.

    But, IMO that Robb Stark is LF's child with Cat as Robyn is his child with Lysa. Another set of men's doubles, pun intended. Obviously Sansa is LF's stand in for both Cat and Lysa, which is why Lysa got the moon door treatment as you pointed out.

    LF's been drooling over Sansa ever since he first saw her. Since he seems to be controlling the Tully Tramps, I can't believe he doesn't know if she's his daughter or not–not that that fact would stop his lust; however, he also set Sansa up to take the fall with Tyrion for Joffrey's death and to marry Ramsey Bolton. Is LF so bad that he'd overly sacrifice someone who is not only his daughter but also his love interest? Cut me a confefe.

    Looks to me that Jon Snow and Arya (and possibly Sansa) are the only real children of Ned because Catelyn is a truly awful person filled with anger for the Starks. First when Brandon & Rickard headed to KL to confront the king instead of first having her wedding after wounding LF in a duel for her hand. Both Cat and Lysa had given their maidenheads to LF which resulted in Robb and Robyn while they nursed poor LF until Hoster kicked LF out.

    Then Cat hated that her father "sold" her to Ned after Brandon was killed, and finally she was infuriated, about Ned not only having a "bastard" but also bringing Jon to Winterfell even though she had already given birth to LF's son, Robb by the time Ned came home from Robert's Rebellion. If Sansa is really Ned's daughter, she probably resulted from Ned doing his "duty" by his "bride" since he was lovesick over losing Ashara. Poor Ned didn't realize that he didn't stand a chance. She tricked him into going to KL to be Robert's Hand, and the rest is history.

    It seems that the only good Tully is the Blackfysh, because, as you pointed out, Hoster is a real shit too and Edmure is both useless as well as stupid.

    Not sure who Bran & Rickon's father(s) are because it doesn't seem they are Ned's (they look more Tully than Stark), and the story line doesn't include the time frame from their births. It's hard to believe the Starks existed for 1000's of years without developing strong genes. It may well be that GRRM hasn't gotten around to their back stories yet and, from the looks of it, he may never do that job. Course, it's just as likely it's there, hidden in plain sight. After all, Hoster Tully was muttering something in his fevered sleep, and Cat's a devious bitch who'd want to obscure any likely rumors from any "deathbed confession".

    Other than the above, I think much and more of DD's theories below because we both basically believe that Cat was about to ask LF if Lord Varys knew about their own evil plots–it matters not what they were. LF well knew that Varys had many little birds–there's that phrase again–everywhere in KL and couldn't take the chance that they were listening to their conversation.

    Of course, Varys' name being used would certainly prick their ears as well as their interest.

  11. oh, you guys still haven't made part 4 for littlefinger. the video that would bring this theory out of craziness. you said months ago part 4 was almost ready, when I said this seems a bit over the top nonsense. I know you guys know what you're saying and I love your work, but this one falls flat, unless you can come up with more to support the idea that petyr is a warg. Just not buying it, at all. most of your stuff is great and well thought out, especially with regard to Ned and ashara and the fisherman's boat, but this is a bridge too far.

  12. Love the well thought out videos guys. Two tiny criticisms…
    First, "gaol" and "gaoler" are pronounced the same as the American "jail" and "jailer." They're just more archaic spellings.

    Second, your opening music is exciting, but SO loud relative to the voice levels. Could you please balance them a bit?

    Thanks again for all your work!

  13. also wanted to add the bits where 3 separate characters did not recognize Ned. Arya (as he was being beheaded), Sansa (when his head was on a spike), and even Catelyn (who claimed the bones of Ned were too small). Seems interesting that all 3 characters made that observation and I also always found it interesting that Martin wouldn't have put us inside Ned's head in his last moments.

  14. I've been thinking, is it at all possible that as far as a chess board would go, varys and littlefinger are the queens on the board, capable of just about every move, except the move of the knight (their obvious lack of physicality) and that they both have been battling each other behind the scenes if you will. which leads me to some interesting things I saw about neds last words being valar morghulis, and that a faceless man took his place before being beheaded which would directly be a counter attack(or defense) by varys, seeing as there isn't many other characters that would have a connection to the faceless men that reside in KL. I know its a stretch and I'm not sure what the motive would be for the faceless men to help varys but could it be that varys paid to have a faceless man killed in place of ned? which technically would still be a way for the faceless men to have a death in place of life? just thoughts that popped in my head over my morning cup of joe. as unlikely as it is that ned would have stayed hidden throughout the wars that have come, could he be being held against his will to serve the realm in the future?


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