Part 1 of our analysis on the Faceless Men of Braavos.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. I don't think the Starks are going to be anywhere close to heroic by the time the story is done. Everything is pointing to them being instruments of the Great Other once Winter comes. I found this interesting little tidbit from Jamie's Weirwood Dream (my favourite of the series) that might point in that direction too.

    " 'Do they keep a bear down here?' Brienne was moving, slow and wary, sword to hand; step, turn, and listen. Each step made a little splash. 'A cave lion? Direwolves? Some bear? Tell me, Jaime. What lives here? What lives in the darkness?' 'Doom.' No bear, he knew. No lion. 'Only doom.' "

  2. Could it be that the Kindly Man lied about the slaves being slaves of Valyria? I believe you mentioned, in one of your Old Powers Are Awakening videos, that slavery was a practice of the Ghis empire. Although, since Ghis, the Great Other and the Children are allies, it wouldn't make sense for the Children to undermine Ghis by killing their slaves and masters…
    Regardless, I hope you continue making these insightful videos. I look forward to the next one.

  3. Great job glad I came along and was lucky to find this channel. You guys and gals are doing a great job a really great job. Thank you and I'm going to binge watch your entire channel this weekend lol.

  4. I don't usually agree with your theories but, I must say I still love coming and putting on my tin-foil hat with you. I enjoy the creativity . I loved the Cat Stark series because I'm glad to find others that see her as I do.I enjoy your different perspective on things .As I said 'I don't usually agree with some of the things that I find on here but,I Immensely enjoy hearing your views and I love how you guys speak.I really love your voices and the thought you put into your videos.Thank you!

  5. One thing that destroys the theory is that the lord of light is a death god the great other is known as a god of undeath of eternal slavery a mockery of the gift given by the many faced god

  6. I've always thought about this. The Old Gods being represented by the Weirwoods with many different faces. It seems obvious. Then add the whole skinchanger aspect, and you have people literally wearing many faces. There is a reason that it's considered an "abomination" to skinchange a man. Also, the Faceless Men's creed, "All men must die". To their greatest foes, the children, this is true. "All men must serve" is true as well if they're forced to do a skinchangers will.

  7. I am new to game of thrones, Just finished season 4 last night. I always want to learn how things work and what things are about before I get obsesses (too late). thank you though for explaining everything in the history of GOT it makes so much more sense now!!!!

  8. I feel that the Children of the Forest are good people & did whatever was required to protect themselves & what they hold sacred from invaders….just like any country does….or like Forest creatures in Avatar movie.

  9. Maybe this question is premature, and is addressed in a future video; if the Children are working to kill all men, why do they give humans weapons to fight the others?

  10. I really appreciate your videos, its fun wondering about all this stuff and this very complex world George created. I have question, have you guys heard about the gods in our story being collectives, instead of just single gods, this is notably the case with the old gods and the weirwood net. I heard in Preston Jacobs' videos, as he is a grrm expert having read most all of his works, he even has book club for his stuff, and apparently collectives of consciousness and hive minded groups are a recurring theme in most stories written by our author. Are there any divine powers at play at all? It seems these things keep popping up for a reason, these collectives of consciousness be it the undying, the weirwood net, the faceless men, or whatever, for some reason I've always linked this in my head to the strange things we occasionally hear from like the oily black stone found in several places in this world that seems to predate anything we know of.

    In addition to that, some videos before this one (maybe the one about crows or the weirwood net one) you guys came to a very wise conclusion which was that bloodraven and the singers seem to have different agendas, and that he might be there against his will, plus there are many other greenseers in the cave (the children and the ones that appear to be sleeping) so given that info in visions has been sent from different sources as you guys pointed out, it seems the will of these collectives is playing out in the world and that is what qualifies them as gods, but they are not. Anyway I could ramble on all day long. Thanks guys!

    ps. are there weirwoods in essos or sothoryos?

  11. Hey I'm a new subscriber and I must say I am loving your videos. Your voices are very soothing and the points are very well put together. 🙂 I started with "Why Catelyn Sucks" lol.             Is it a big question about Aarya needing the coin to enter the House of Black&White? I thought she might need the coin for just verification that she wasn't crazy or just fishing for information when she met a citizen of Braavos. Even if they are accepting of new visitors, I think the coin just makes allowing her passage a priority. Not quite a threat just a powerful statement that the bearer of the coin will be well received.                 The door seemed to open when she said it like the other door opened for the Night's Watch oath. I just figured that the entrance pass is the oath or the words. By saying the words you enter a contract whether you fully intend on keeping it or not, as it seems verbal contracts aren't always followed in Westeros. So when she says Valar morghulis she is accepting the consequences of failure (possibly receiving the gift) or beginning training. The Night's Watch is the same you accept the Black and all the consequences of it, thus the door opens.

  12. hey guys i really love listening to your videos …but you might wanna consider changeing the intro music. it kinda sounds like it belongs more in a fitness video .but apart from that THE CONTENT IS FUCKING PERFECT keep up the good work
    greetings from amsterdam

  13. I can't go there with the Jhogos Nhai being COF. The Jhogos Nhai are a nomadic people with the same weapons as all other men. They are based in many ways on the Huns. They may even be the ancestor of the Dothraki. They may keep to the old ways but are men. Great Videos. Insight galore.

  14. the more of your videos I watch the more I'm retroactively rolling my eyes at events in the show and how much it looks like the showrunners are just gonna go with the most widely acceptable outcomes to the plotlines because the majority of the audience would only allow it to be one way. makes me disappointed for now regardless of how much I still do enjoy the show because I feel like it's very likely HBO is taking the easy way out instead of initially planning out at least a couple more full seasons to allow the proper setup to match events in the books that would've created a more intricate storyline even if still dulled when compared to the books it would've been more interesting and given certain characters more depth or created more discussion amongst viewers about what they think will happen instead of how it is now where people mention things as fact that haven't been yet proven and such. sigh.
    I hope that's all legible, I ramble and don't use punctuation well


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