Our newest installment in our Mysteries, Myths and Motives Series, detailing how full of it the Andals actually are

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. Seems like those andals might be a related to old gist b n bloodstone emperor. The freehold was gunning for them right after dealing with gist empire. Smells fishy. Also I remember a quote” the devil greatest trick was convincing the world he didn’t exist”. Seem like what the masters are doing. N congratulations on the engagement!

  2. The Lannisters have more Andal blood than any other family? In the page on Andals, it says "Even the Lannisters claim at least some minor descent form the first men"
    and the Lannister page says "Fair-haired, tall and handsome, the modern Lannisters are the blood of Andal adventurers who carved out a mighty kingdom in the western hills and valleys. Through the female line, they boast of descent from Lann the Clever…"


  3. Amazing job guys, you have some of the most incredible ideas and then flesh them out so well it seems like you have a secret book with all the answers! After you document everything so well I go back to the text and look, it was there all along!!! Your observation skill and dot connecting abilities are off the charts! I'm looking forward to your next video! I'm still patiently awaiting for your CoTF series that has been on the back burner, someday soon hopefully!

  4. The Seven are science based, like astronomy/astrology…Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, The Sun and The Moon….all 7 of them are visible from earth…all 7 of them represent one of the seven…it's the world that the maesters built after magic died

  5. The Andals are based on the vandals and the various goths. None of them left any architectual landmark. Mostly because they build in wood. Regarding iron, the Rhoynar knew to use iron, but like the Dornish, they mostly used copper or bronze. The Andals can actually be credited for full suits of iron and mass use of iron. The Andals who did settle Westeros can also be credited with opposing slavery since they are the dominant culture in Westeros and Westeros is the only place besides Braavos where slavery is illegal, and they didn't take the first men as slaves. Building in stone isn't really harder than building in wood considering that nails didn't exist. It is, however, cheapier and faster. Stone is common everywhere, wood is not. Generally, historically, when people can choose, they choose wood.

  6. This has got me thinking considering the how close Red Lake is to the Westerlands it would be very ironic if Brandon the Builder and Lann the Clever were brothers. If that's the case the Starks and Lanisteters are kin my God it's shocking because it could be true.

  7. Nice video. Can't wait to see what kind of connection you believe exists between the Andals and the Others.
    Also what do you think of Tyrion assuming the alias "Hugor Hill"? George certainly chose it for a good reason. Could it be an indication that the Lannisters are more of an Andal family than a First Men one?

  8. Hi there, thanks for this one, never understood who the hell Andals were, it ever intrigued me why the people of essos called Jorah the Andal maybe because the Armour he wears. I really like your videos they are really cool. Changing subject my sympathy and solidarity by the tragic event of last Monday, this shit is serious problem everywhere. Changing subject again congrats for the win, hope MU get CL in the end, let see if Benfica at least drops to Europa league, better that being dropped out. This guys are playing badly last Friday we won 1-0 at home against a crapy team the guys get very nervous in the game I see players that became moody after being replaced in the last two years never saw that and now I'm seeing that.

  9. You two are the best SoIF YT Channel. Amazingly insightful and so well delivered. The passion you have for the novels really shows.

    Now take this formula, diversify, and make a living from it – You can do it!

  10. Just became a patron, had to make an account because you are the first channel I ever contributed to. Watched all your videos several times already. I really hope more people will do the same so you guys can make this into a job. The quality of your production is incredible. The way you illustrate your scripts makes them identical to real e-books. I am a senior in law school and I can wholeheartedly say that your argumentation structure is on point. I hope you don't get frustrated with the lack of views, YouTube is broken, you have to produce videos daily these days to get views, and also people are idiots so just because you produce high quality content, does not mean you will instantly get a big audience. Lastly, you can always expand your patreon options to include 5/10/25 bucks, your content is certainly worth the money imo.

  11. Seven Andal Blessings to the Order of the Green Hand.

    May the Father grant you the strength and stamina to search for truth in George's sacred texts and the wisdom to know when you've found it.

    May the Mother grant you the compassion and understanding of those around you as you undertake the enormous time consuming work of bringing clarity to A Song of Ice and Fire. May you in turn find it in your heart to forgive Catelyn Stark of her many unintentional transgressions.

    May the Warrior slay the internet trolls that plague you as well as the idiots who give you a thumbs down on your videos. May you be given strength to defend yourself from the hordes of well meaning but misguided R=L=J theorists.

    May the Smith grant you eloquence and clairty of thought when making these videos and remove all technical glitches. May the smith also shove a firecracker up the rear end of your favorite writer to get him moving again.

    May the Maid guide your personal relationship.

    May the Crone grant you the ability to discern if what you're reading is true or if it is a red herring.

    May the Stranger escort Dan and Dave's version of this story to the Seven Hells and may we all be left alone from the Stranger's touch for thirty years to enjoy a remake of the series created after Dreams of Spring comes out.

  12. So.. Did the fall of the dragons come about when Targaryen blood was infested with that of the Andals?

    The Dragonsbane's grandmother was an Arryn and they have heavy amounts of Andal blood. I know around that time dragons started waning after the Dance. I don't know about the timelines, there may be cases before this

    Preston Jacobs makes a good case for Mendelian inheritance /dragon hatching and why the females (e.g Rhaenyra could be exempt)


  13. AGOT Prologue incoming! If I remember correctly, the young Royce's sword was shining like crystal.

    Congratulations for getting engaged, I offer myself to bring my personnal orchestra and make sure this wedding will be remembered, not a really varied playlists though….

  14. There is evidence that there is at least one blond or at least sandy-haired Andal house. Harry Hardyng is described as having sandy hair and is said to have the Arryn look thus "the young falcon" nickname. It seems likely that House Arryn, described as a pure blood Andal house has blond or sandy hair. Of course, Sweet Robin has brown hair but his father is probably Littlefinger so that shouldn't be a consideration. The seed is strong after all.

  15. Was Jon aryn not blonde in his youth? That house has Valyrian blood sure but also pretty Andal. Also Lan the clever is believed by many to be an Andal adventurer so there may be a few prominent blonde Andals. I may well be wrong and obviously trust in your research.

  16. I agree with a ton of your points. Its just so hard to prove one way or another because the histories are written through a lens of bias. Liked the video, thanks for making it.

  17. I love all your stuff so to say great video is a bit bias . so ill thank you for 20.36 min video and the time it takes to put out a quality video of that length .that realy shows the thought you've put into the books
    and yea great video as always

  18. I don’t always agree with your conclusions but I really appreciate how thought provoking your videos are and certainly make me think hard about things I had taken for granted. You guys definitely stand out from much of the asoiaf YouTube crowd and am always excited when a new video pops up in my feed!

  19. Heheheh, I can't say I'm surprised. After all, if the Maesters happily claim that OLD GHIS is the first true 'civilization' to ever exist, this implies that they must have had strong ties to Ghis. Meaning, the original Andals were likely an offshoot or a colony of the Old Ghis empire. If so, that clears up and reveals SO MUCH of where the Andals' loyalties ultimately lie.

  20. I have no love for the Andals but just rember that the Braavosian Coastland referes to the coast line under the political influence of Bravos not the city it's self.

  21. I have been thinking about Brandon of the Bloody Bladed and the Ross of Red Lake I think that the Blackwoods of Raven Tree Hall and the Royces of Rhinestone are decdent of children of Ross and Brandon with along with the Caren's and Stark. This could explain realtions the Starks have with the Royces and Blackwoods.


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