Mysteries, Myths, and Motives, Part 6: Valyrians are First Men.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. Don't get it 'twisted' I appreciate your video, it's informative. But you keep referring to the 'HEBREW' children as "Jews". Jews are comprised of the two(2) (remaining) TRIBES of Benjamin & Judah. Moses did not lead the "JEWS" ANYWHERE. He lead the 12 tribes of the "HEBREW children" out of Egypt.

  2. Nah. The thing about skinchanging and warging is that it's clear-cut telepathy, while the Valyrian connection to dragons is clearly much more elemental and primal, and if its not, you need special magical objects to force dragons to obey you. So why aren't these objects used by regular people to warg regular animals.
    And also I highly doubt that Westeros and Yi Ti are connected via the Sunset Sea. The Long Night invasion of both continents is compelling evidence, but George modeled this world after the real one. Westeros is clearly analogous of Europe, the Narrow Sea is the Mediterranean, and Essos is Asia, meanwhile Sothoryos is Africa. It stands to reason that if GRRM modeled this after the real world, then it only makes sense that beyond the Sunset sea, which is analogous of the Atlantic ocean there at least two other continents that represent North and South America. If Westeros and Essos are connected, I believe that the answer is northeast instead of northwest. Just keep going north along the Shivering sea and stay just off the coast of Westeros and you might end up in Essos. After all, along the east coast of Westeros is where Mance Rayder said that ship from Asshai was found.
    And I also disagree with your statement of the Valyrians being the First Men, while I do believe it's possible for some of the First men to be predecessors of the Valyrians, I don't believe they were the Valyrians as we know them now. And after thousands of years of genetic isolation, the two groups have become completely different.
    Also I disagree that the fortress on Battle Isle was built by the Valyrians, it could have been, but not necessarily. There are examples of strange black stone all over the world, some pre-dating the valyrians by thousands of years. It's just as possible that the Children built the fortress as part of their elemental magic to fight the First Men. I mean, you did say that their gods were that of wind and water, and STONE, so yeah.

  3. Some very interesting theories and some fascinating deep analysis.
    I am confused, however, in that I don't think you tie everything together.

    You establish that you think the first men came to westeros fleeing the Bloodstone Emperor in Yi Ti. And that this is the same ethnic/cultural group that the Valyrians came from. But where did dragons and the Freehold come from? And ethnically, why are the First Men caucasian-types while Yi Ti is presumably a Chinese-composite ethnicity? And then how did the Freehold Valyrians get purple eyes and silver hair?

    There seems to have been (following your theory) a big break in the past when a group of First Men travelled to Valyria and established the Freehold, and at some point acquired dragons. Or perhaps tamed and subjugated dragons and then travelled to valyria, leaving westeros devoid of dragons for millennia. When and how did this occur, and how did valyrians become so ethnically distinct?

  4. First off, I do want to point out that you guys do a good job researching this stuff and I think that you work very hard to craft a full theory. Second I think there is definitely room for the First Men and the Valerians to share common ancestors which would be totally awesome.

    That being said your channel does tend to propose certain ideas as the only way to interpret details rather than an idea (however strong) to consider. In addition at times it seems you ignore all other possibilities besides the one you have come to believe, which I think is why some viewers feel you finagle or manipulate excerpts and facts to fit your theories. I've seen it with one of your Catelyn Stark theories, Jon's parentage, and now this video. Specifically with this video I think that you may have had on blinders a bit due to a couple of points where you breezed past details that don't support your theory.

    The first point I noticed this happened was at about 16:45 where you mentioned a link in the app. This is on a page regarding dragons and that the three Targaryen dragons were named after the old gods of Valyria. When you click on the link "old gods" it goes to the page for the first men. You don't detail which app exactly, but I assume you mean the one put out by Random House LLC which claims to be the only official app for ASIOF. That may be true but consider that A) they are not the publisher of ASIOF B) the content is likely not reviewed directly if at all by GRRM, and C) this link may be a mistake as the link only underlines "old gods" but doesn't include "of Valyria".

    The second time I feel you've ignore important information is directly after this when discussing "Dragonkin" at 17:15. The discussion is on the meaning of "Exile to apotheosis" and you state that the Targaryens were never exiled… except they were. When the patriarch moved the entire family to dragonstone, this can easily be seen as a self imposed exile as they were ridiculed for doing so and one of the definitions for exiles is "anyone separated from his or her country or home voluntarily or by force of circumstances." Per Additionally, the term you discuss "Apotheosis" has a separate definition than what you use to support your theory (the script of which is included in your video at 17:38) and it just so happens to support the idea that the Maester is talking about the period starting after the Targaryen's departure of the freehold to their elevation and rule as monarchs of Westeros. Additionally, if the Maesters don't agree with the theory that the Valerians could be involved in Westerosi history before the rise of the freehold, why would they allow a book to be written about it?

    These are just the points that immediately jumped out at me, and again you may be right in your theory. However it can feel a little alienating or condescending to viewers when you express you ideas as the only way to interpret the facts involved.

  5. The "Exile" of the Targaryens is probably the voluntary exile from Valyria of Aenar the Exiled and his daughter Daenys the Dreamer. Also, the Manderlys are not of First Men descent, they come from river Mander in the Reach, therefore Andals

  6. Danny will do the stupid thing by flying in to save her 2nd dragon and be killed by the night king.
    Just as Danny did, John will fight the night king for killing his lover and also die.
    Jamie will kill his sister and mountain will kill Jamie.
    Sansa will commit suicide.
    Aria Will have to kill bran to end the night kings return to end all possible whites walking the earth again.
    Our favorite half man will live life out as the drunk of black water castle.( small shack on the bay )
    Verys wins the throne before being killed by a bunch of little birds who brings the democratic promise he said he would give the common people.

    Who am I missing?

  7. This makes so much sense and explains where the children of the forest got the dragon glass to create the first white Walker on the show and why valerian steal can kill white walkers. Valerians and white walkers seem to be connected, and the connection seems to be the magic of the children of the forest. I thought that maybe the children of the forest had been in Essos by crossing the land bridge and had a hand in "creating" the Valarians. There is no reason the children of the forest were only in westeros. But the Valarians being first men also explains the connection. If the Night King is a green seer in the show, he may be watching what Bran is doing at the same time Bran is watching him. The three eyed raven and the night king both came from the children of the forest. Maybe they taught the first men how to "spy" through the weirwood trees and recruited the first three eyed raven in the first battle against the white walkers. This would explain why the night king sees the three eyed raven as an enemy, without the night king actually being Bran. He stood before Bloodraven like he knew him before he killed him even though he had just been in that tree the whole time.

  8. and with all due respect i think the third race is something lovecraftian and grrm will never specify who they were and leave us to wonder, who is responsible for the oily stone? merman? targaryans? who knows.

  9. Lightbringer was not dragon glass. the last hero forged it over three attempts each taking longer and requiring more sacrifice until ultimately requiring he forge it by thrusting it through the heart of nissa nissa, his love…

  10. No offence, but this all seems quite far fetched, since the first men didn't have either technology or appearance that the Valyrians had. Also, according to the world of ice and fire, these black stones also exist in Sothoryos and the sea stone chair / Hightower Foundation date back farther than the freehold itself. Surely, it should also be possible that these stones could be created by something else than valyrians, dragons after all did exist before valyrians rose from shepherds and Yi ti is closer to where Dragons are said to flourish (Asshai).

    Also, that "old god" link thing is really just picking on thin straws trying to prevent yourself from falling down a cliff. Maybe those links were inserted automatically by a program that did just match "old gods" and not the "old gods of valyria".

  11. An error in organization in an app doesn't mean that the gods of the first men were the gods of the valyrians.  Especially since the World of Ice and Fire does touch upon the gods of valyria.

  12. Yiti isn't close to westeros. The map we get in Got is a bit less than 1/4 of the whole planet meaning it would take longer to go around than to go west.
    I do agree however that it's likely the first men are from YiTi, they likely just walked west. However I have to ask. Why don't the first men look valyrian? I mean #I personally think that high valyrians (silver hair purple eyes ect) are direct descendents of the amethyst empress, however the first men if they were from yiti arent direct descendents but possibly political supporters of her, or one specific noble family who were cast out for loyalty. The first men do all sound like they look a specific way, at least in the current era of GoT. (grey/blue eyes dark or rarely ginger hair and long faces)

    Now you have to imagine the amethyst empress wouldn't have as many direct descendents as political supporters which explains the abundancy of first men (which includes wildings) to high valyrian ratios in planetos, especially given so many "high valyrians" died in the doom. Or perhaps the first men are descendents of the other gemstone emporers I dont think they'd appreciate their ancient inheritance scheme being disrupted which may also explain the relative abundance of first men. I'd even harzard to say pearl emporer given the grey eyes thing, he built the five forts. Who else likes to build impressive monuments to keep out the others? (which is the job of the five forts) Bran the builder built the wall to keep out the others.
    The Maesters say the first men came from the dothraki grass lands after all, and where were they before that what's east of the grasslands? YiTi.

  13. I didn't see it in the vid, and if I missed it, pardon my stupid BUT:

    Encapsulated within your Valyrian / 1st Men theory is a compelling "what if":
    Is it possible that the Others were originally created and deployed to counter DRAGONS? That would be a staggering development.


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