Part 5 of Mysteries, Myths and Motives: Who is Old Nan?

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Game of Thrones
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  1. This theory kinda makes sense… until you take into accoun that George R. R. Martin has said that Duncan The Tall is an ancestor to Brienne Tarth, so this doesn't really fit the bill.

    However, very good and entertaining vid.

  2. She was awesome, and I swear every word she said was correct. Or at the least, she was never wrong. I think she's tied with Maester Aemon as my favorite character in the ASoIaF story. If she isn't Dunks first fling (disregarding Tansy Too-Tall "Not too tall for me"), then she is someone important. She smelled dragons man! That's some baller ass shit right there.

  3. The house symbolism and the matching of the details AL makes sense, I always thought of her as the symbolic black widow and Weaver of tales and stories. That's awesome if she's lady rowanne from the dunk and egg novels, meaning she was beautiful in her youth. Seems she has blood of the Giants and cotf too, excellent finds, and video!!

  4. somehow i doubt Tywin and Hodor are related so closely.. I mean ok so physical descriptions kinda match and the knitting could in fact be a very important clue as to Nan's origin.. but i think it's almost half again as likely that Old Nan is just that.. herself.. I mean i won't put it past George to make it so in writing.. But i think it makes the world of a song of ice and fire a little too small world-ish.. it's like if you saw Darth vader show up in every starwars side story ever…. (ok bad example as they're actually pretty much doing that but still it's a good point)

    Personally and until we get anything more concrete on the issue I'm just going to assume that she was a Hill Clansman who traveled south of the wall in some kind of symbolic gesture to reaffirm the loyalty of the hill clans to house stark. It would definitely explain why she seems so knowledgeable about the long night (as the stories of those north of the wall where probably preserved far better then everyone else) and you can even explain her knowledge of things farther south as just being a sign that she was well traveled while being in service to the starks.

    This approach to old nan would sit with me far better then any version that implies that the lady of one of the most important houses in westeros and simply moved to another of the most important houses and remained there for SEVERAL DECADES without being found out… i mean yeah after the first 20 years it gets easier and you can even let people who knew you only as a child see you without being identified but still point remains. Also with the approach that Old Nan is simply old nan you don't have to say that Dunk didn't father her children either. It could just be explained as him being attracted to short women.

  5. No, though I do believe that Bran saw Old Nan(or Young Nan) kissing Dunk before the Weirwood, I have no inclination whatsoever to say that she was Lady Webber as it does not fit into that character's values.

  6. What if Bran had something to do with Old Nan returning to Winterfell? Hodor is necessary to Bran's story. Maybe he also discovered what she really wanted and somehow found a way to send Dunk back to Winterfell for them to be together.

  7. I was reading through the wiki today, and found some dates that would need to be fixed for this theory to work for the Brandon Stark we know whose mother Lyanne Glover died in childbirth. We have a hard date of 230 AC for Rohanne's disappearance, and 226 for the death of William Stark (the potential Brandon's father). Some of the information is from the World of Ice and Fire, so there could simply be some timeline mistakes, assuming your theory is correct.

  8. The Order of The Green Hand : This is my first time visiting your channel and I absolutely adore your views of Old Nan…..whom when was alive was one of my favorite characters in the whole series when it started . I loved that she told Bran about the scary things nobody else would mention to him and he wanted to know about them . She was great at telling things as they were ….with some exaggeration mixed in .

  9. Well presented, and as always, i love your videos, but next to impossible unfortunately.

    Firstly, Rohanne was about 45 years old when she vanished in or after 230, so she would be most likely be unable to have children with Ser Duncan and, she would be unlikely to be a wetnurse, let alone find employment with a Great House as one. It is possible, but exceedingly unlikely. She and Dunk didn't have children when they met, so there would have been little chance of it later on.

    For a bit of context, House Tyrell (Specifically Olenna) the Gardner Heirs, (which incidentally, makes them kin to the Starks), reject Cersei out of hand when, after Blackwater, they are offered the opportunity to wed her to their Heir, Willas, and she is in her early 30's. Olenna is convinced that Cersei's change will be happening soon. Certainly, this is possible to be old wives' hogwash, but late pregnancies are not considered common.

    Even more problematic is the fact that there was nearly no opportunity for Dunk to journey to Winterfell from King's Landing, though he did, it seems, visit once with Aegon, and then once there, raise a family with his true love, since he was a kingsguard, and constantly at court. He died at Summerhall in 259.

    Even more problematic, is that the Brandon who was Willem Stark's son, was born in or before 226, when Willem died at Long Lake, fighting Raymun Redbeard. This would make said Brandon at least 4 years old, or older, by the time Rohanne Webber arrived at Winterfell. Moreover, in 230, said child must have been at least 4, so House Stark would never have hired her as a wetnurse for him. Further, since this Brandon died of a chill at 3, Rohanne would never have met him, since she disapeared in 230, and this child must have died by 229 at the latest.

    Unfortunately, as much as I loved your other videos, such as the N + A = J videos, which is very well researched, the facts here just don't match up.

  10. If this is true, this would mean that Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion (and pretty much the entirety of the current House Lannister), Brienne, Hodor and a few other unnamed people (descendants of Nan's daughters) are all related… Jeez… that's a lot of cousins. Not to mention, this gives a new meaning to Jaime's comments to Brienne in Season 4 when they're discussing Sansa. Haha XD

    "Are you sure we're not related ? Ever since I've returned every Lannister I've seen has been a miserable pain in my arse. Maybe you're a Lannister too! You've got the hair for it, if not the looks." Awesome…


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