Timeline using new information provided by George himself that 100% proves that R+L DOES NOT = J.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. I am really glad I got another Order of the Green Hand video before Orange Joffrey's nuclear Armageddon. Thank you for calling the show out on what it has become: The biggest best-est incestuous fanfic that ever was or will be. Poor GRRM, who knew HBO would turn his masterpiece into drivel, as a nuclear armed man child is going to jump the shark on political intrigue set to worldwide societal destruction and collapse with the potential death of all mankind.

  2. Dear God! My 2 favorite non-family members in the whole world are back! I dont even know yall names…social media at its finest! Fyi Man U is still my least favorite soccer team! Go Blues! I will lecture yall on some soccer, life, and jokes but not grammar or spelling, though…

  3. I'm not saying that if Ned and Ashara just said f%^& it and got/stayed married, oh and Cat Tully fell off a horse, the realm would be better off. Actually wait yes I am.

  4. The only question I have is doesn't it make more sense that aegon is Ned and asharas son considering she's with him on the shy maid and in this video it's mostly about how Ned and ashara love each other but not connecting it with jon snow

  5. Finally a timeline!!!!! The only downside to this is it kills one of my other favorite (and tin-foil) theories that Robb is really Brandon's son. But until GRRM says otherwise, N+A=J is the TRUTH! And that's all that matters.

  6. The problem with the tower of joy vision in AGOT is that Ned was tripping on liquid cocaine (milk of the poppy) and he was starving in the black cells. Also considering that we are dealing with a story where there are telepaths who messing with people's dream I would not be surprised if all the visions that people see are BS. I dont think the red god and the great other are really fighting with each other but I do think the forces of ice and fire are messing with humanity and even the children of the forest and the white walker by pitting them into a needless war by making them believe in prophecies . I would not be surprised if in the books the R+L=J theory is used by a misguided Melissandre to justify the burning of Shireen and a pointless war against the white walkers who may not be that evil. Also I would not be surprised if Jon Snow's body is highjacked by a follower of the red god . In dance of dragons , the soldiers of astapor follow the corpse of king cleo, strapped on a horse, who is prophecies to free them from the yunkai by the green grace. All of the soldiers are killed during the battle. I suspect that the prophecy surrounding jon snow will not lead to victory against the white walkers but instead to a great massacre. Fans who get giddy about the prospect that jon snow is a great savior who can unite the realm against a common enemy because of his blood ,should be wary, they are being set up for a violent fall just like the astaporians/

    By the way I don't believe that a peace loving hippy like G RR Martin would write a story where the order of the green hand faces of against the great other. There has to be many more factions then two opposing groups. I also dont think the story is about the clash of the forces of fire and ice . I think its about the multiple and pointless clashes of people who carry both the forces of fire and ice inside them. Look at the faceless men. They definitely worship a weird wood tree but they also give lip service to the red god. Look at euron, he is a sea pirate who worships the drown god ( who could be the same as weird wood god as they are both associated with death and ice or water) and he may even summon krakens to be unleashed on the redwyne fleet and he also wants to control a dragon (fire) and he wears valyrian armor. Beric Dondarion is a fire wight who hangs around weirdwoods and a child of the forest , the ghost of high heart. The three eyed raven is a targaryen who use weirwoods. The martells are rhoynars who are associated with water magic but they also use glass candles ( alleras sand must be communicating with Doran martell from the citadel while the moon is out). Also what is up with the greyscale and shrouded lord in the sorrows. I strongly suspect that the white walkers the Cotf and the humans are divided in two groups, those who would maintain balance between fire and ice and those who would have one dominate the other.

    You guys are our go-to reference for why she is an absolute wreck.
    Your analysis of her is KEY to pointing out how in my opinion,
    all of the POV characters were written with the one common characteristic of being completely oblivious to their own flaws and to catching details laid in front of them;
    and maybe even, designed to be completely stupid to serve as clue-collectors for the readers so they can puzzle out major plots such as Neds youth. 😀
    You guys are awesome. Please make an update on Why Catelyn Sucks, we can make it a 10-parter this time 😍

  8. I'm pretty sure grrm stated that he didn't really care too much about the exact time when he was coming up with the stuff that didn't happen in the timeline of the books. Not saying you are wrong but I don't feel like using these timelines are good enough argument, especially because most of the dates you reference are from the world of ice and fire, which was not exactly George's ideas…

  9. Do you think it possible that in the books the annulment that might be discovered is actually Ned's & Ashara's? Wouldn't that annulment (I'm assuming one happened since Ned married Catelyn) make Jon a bastard legally speaking?
    I'm only on book 1 & not really into any of this juicy stuff yet 🙁

  10. I think some are missing the point here. GRRM has stated himself that he likes to write about the human heart being in conflict with itself (I believe it was that anyway). The whole premise of ASOIF to me is that everything you believe to be true is an illusion. The emphasis on Ned's "honour" should be ingested with a grain of salt. Jon Snow and everyone around him has always labelled him a bastard,his whole existence is based upon this label. He believes himself to not truly be a stark. Would it not be more fitting for him to not only be a stark (which he yearns for) but to be the one and only true stark? To me that would be more beautiful, it adds a sense of poetic justice and show cases the complexity of human nature.

  11. Btw, your Machiavelli series was soooo good. Its made reflect on one particular part of Tywin's life. That's him giving the order to the mountain. I'm still working it thru, but i have one question I'd like your opinion on.
    Do you think Tywin knew where Jamie was and what he would do when he gave the order? This question i think it is important because, how would Tywin know for certain, Jaime wouldn't have stood in the mountains way when he attacked Elia?
    Anyway thanks for listening. Keep up the great work.

  12. Oh my goodness, I'm blown away by the brilliance of this video! I've always been torn between both of the theories but now my mind, at least for now, is made up. Him not looking like a Targ always irked me.

    I would love for you to clarify the whole Edric Dayne situation; who his father may be, why Edric is named after Eddard (his name get's shortened to Ned), as well as Ashara's suicide. Surely it wasn't just her brothers death that caused it? To this day it confuses me and I've read the series thrice! On my fourth read now.

    Quick question: So do you think that Rhaegar's dream of  the baby who's life will be 'The song of Ice & Fire' is destroyed completely?

  13. I super like this theory, I will be very desapointed if it fails. This is so much better than R+L. Kudos to you for this and other theories like that, weirwood and children of the forest are evil.


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