Old Powers Part 10:
What is the Song of Ice and Fire?

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. OMG!!! The STENCH!!!

    The Sons of the Harpy are already in Kings Landing!!!  They have been mentioning the smell coming from KL since season one. Queen of Thorns mentions it as she enters KL. Last season the soldiers that Arya come upon also mention the smell.

    Also, if this is a protracted battle between Dragons and Tigers then it perfectly explains CRASTER! Maester Aemon practically confesses to Jon that Craster is his son. Then later they show Aemon in the same frame with Gilly and the baby, his granddaughter and his grandson. Perhaps the Night King interest in Craster's sons is because they are Valyrian. Craster has babies with his daughters to keep the seed strong something Valyrians do. Is the plan that the tiger rides the dragon…forever.

    Craster says that he is on the "right side of the Gods" and he will survive come the long night. This is like what you are saying that certain people thrived thru the longnight because they were in league with the Sons.

  2. Is the point of the story that the gemstone empire was more evil than gis, that was more evil than the dragons? Is there an evil taint in the world that seeks out and corrupts everything?

    Or is good and evil a cycle like ice and fire? Peoples are born, they're innocent, they are good people, as time passes they wane and become corrupted and then decay as the next cycle begins and replaces them? Evil is inevitable, but it's not eternal?

  3. I really enjoy these kinds of vids. But a lot of the time they don't serve to resolve what the literal and figurative text is.

    Is the long night literal? We seem to have agreed point in the past when the world froze that is referred to as the long night. There are enough other figurative ones that can be cast in a more literal way to support the idea. A second moon was struck a few big pieces and a tonne of little ones showered the earth, a huge one set off a super volcano near ashai while a slightly smaller one hit ground near the gem stone empire, all blasting enough dust into the sky to cause an mini ice age the end of which may have been shortened by an extended period of rain that helped pull the dust out of the air. Because our auther has said the gods will never act in a way that allows any reader to prove they exist, but he has said magic does exist (but has never really indicated definitively if it's science or "magic", though at some point there is probably a distinction he's just agreed that he won't give it that level of explanation which is probably the true line defining fantasy and scifi), there must be a literal truth although we may have to accept that some few or many things are so lost to time that spending the time writing it would feel more like washing dishes than putting and epic tale of fantasy to pen and paper. Assuming magic, the white walkers only managed to roam as far south as they did because the world actually got cold enough. Some one saw the dragons/fires falling and went looking for them. The world was hopelessly getting colder, and any hint of fire might have seemed like hope. The best option from known history would point to the Daynes. Because of the shared features, and physical evidence it seems logical fire was born with them. Maybe the dragon eggs were moon rocks, got blasted all over by the super volcano, or they kidnapped a wyvern from the south an a wyrm from the 14 fires. I hate the idea of a post apocalyptic thing, so I'm going to hope that it was a magic spell that changed Azor ahi and probably his wife. Maybe the sword dawn is radio active and helped cause a mutation that was helpful. I just hate the sword in the heart bit because it sounds to much like the typical sacrifice to save the world bs, and I am hoping that whatever the truth is the prophecy exists as some sort of evil detector. If you're willing to kill the person you think you love most in the world then the truth is you love something more than that person and you don't deserve anything. However, if you flip it around, and let some one drive a dagger of frozen fire into your heart in order to sacrifice yourself then you are a very good person. Maybe some people cast a spell or maybe it rains like hell for a year or two and the dust goes away and with the sun back the cold things run away. Did the dragons help somehow or the Daynes discover they could hatch dragons some time after (cycles of power)? There isn't a lot of history in dorne for dragons so maybe there wasn't many eggs and the ones that had them ran away or abandoned what they held for the volcanos to the east and took over. They got a sense of power from what they saw over there and they liked it.

    The hard part is trying to figure out how deep the themes go. If war is never the right choice, what do you do when zombies pour out of the North? Is it war? If good and evil are extremes, is it possible for an entire group to be born always on one end, or do we always have to accept that any one can be anywhere? The winners write history, so was Old Gis as evil as we think? Or were they a very good empire and the dragonriders made sure they world remembered them as human flesh eating slavers? When we have a horrible example of slaving in the dragon people, is it more or less likely that the people they destroyed were way worse slavers than them or that they didn't slave at all and history was written to make the dragons "less evil?" It's possible that Gis just rubbed off on every one, but is it really the most likely possibility?

  4. Is our civilization that much different from the slavers of slavers bay. Take the NCAA football and basketball players get very little compared to billions. Granted it's not death, but it is sport. Are we really that much more civilized or do we just think we are.

  5. Beware of the perfumed seneschal, after Quaithe told that to Dany she literally smells Reznak, I cracked laughing when I read that
    I'm falling in love again from Dany in the books, the show made me hate her but in the books is very different

  6. Very interesting, and once again new/unique ideas and connections to think about.   From one of Old Nan's quotes about the others disliking iron , fire and sun……  why do you think they disliked iron?   Sun and fire are a given, but it doesn't seem that iron does anything to them, only valerian steel and dragon glass.

  7. I really like your theories. You have me convinced that the Kinguard from the Tower of Joy are Mance, Tormund and Qhorin Halfhand, but I think you give the World of Ice and Fire too much attention. I have seen George's interviews about it and he has said that he was improvising when writing about the eastern regions, (although this could be partially misleading) so I don't think that Yi Ti and it's myths are that importand. What is definitelly importand is Qarth because it is suspiciously not mentioned at all in the World of Ice and Fire and of course Asshai that is still a big mystery. Now, the Ghiscari are disgusting people, but do we need to give them so much credit and connect them to a grand, death worshiping cult? We would be entering tin foil hat territory.

  8. Awesome! I've said it so many times now but this is one of the great ones, once again… This is beautiful work here! If you're new here – please start at the beginning! These two great thinkers, & narrators as well, have already left a little gem for You…which is the Order in which you should watch this incredible analysis of an incredible story – in their Playlists. Go there! Watch in order & thusly move on to the most current videos!!

    69 got stuck in my head now from all the symbols & duality… Lol, Yin & Yang… Extremely well done & I love TWOIAF even more after this!

    Thanks, as always!!

    Heil! OoTGH!

    – The Red Viper 🐍🔥🦂

  9. i thought the Valyrians picked up the practices of slavery from the Ghiscari? correct me if i'm wrong but the Valyrians also didn't really keep the Ghiscari in check. didn't you say before they destroyed them? but now at the end they are just keeping them in check? look i really love your videos but why wouldn't they just kill the Ghiscari instead of containing them if they were instruments of darkness? does slavery also mean darkness, since you seem to heavily correlate the two topics. The Valyrians were heavy practitioners of slavery, heck Braavos was founded by Valyrian slaves wanting to escape their masters.

  10. Great work, guys! I love your "seed" analysis. The bit of yin in the yang and vice versa really harmonizes with GRRM's notion of nothing pure this or pure that. No pure villains or heroes, just people with complex bits! Really interesting!


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