The Old Powers are Waking Part 5
The birth of Dragons

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

Art and Visual Images Courtesy of:
Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. I kinda think that in the books Dany might actually end up with Jorah in the end it'd be the Bear and the Maiden Fair maybe he kills Cersei or another Lannister and thats what makes her finally take him back it'd be The Bear licking the honey (the Lannister) from her hair

  2. maybe fire and blood in this instance specifically brought around the birth of dragons but in the past i dont think it will have been the case. after the targs came to westeros the birth of more dragons all coincided with specific people being born and later on after all the dragons had died fire and blood didnt allow more to be born (tragedy of summerhall)

  3. I wanted to go back and read this chapter, I'm so glad I heard your analysis first! Will give me more to think about. With this breakdown, it truly seems she's 'promised'
    I always accepted that Rhaegar knew, he acted much like Jojen and Dareon, both with dreams of the future. Disconnected from others.
    Maybe the 'dragon needs three heads' is a hit on the three swords of Azor Ahai. Just a thought.

  4. After being a fan of the show to the fourth season with flagging interest in the the rest of the show that remains, I decided to pick up the ASOIAF books and compare the show against them. There is little to compare at this point in the calendar. After botched storylines, abandoned storylines, inconsistent characterizations, mystifying character actions, and just plain insipid writing, I can no longer enjoy the show as I did before Season 5. The interest in the books is skyhigh now and I am into the third book and expect to finish ADwD before year's end as I mix the series with other book genres I read.

    This channel which I just found this week has thrown nitro onto the JP-5 fuel of the books I started reading two months ago. This biblical piece of work of yours is going to make the rest of the reading to come immeasurably better.

    Many thanks!

  5. Really loving your videos. Im a fan of the GOT show, but novice to the books, great back stories u provide ..especially the great empire of dawn in your other video u mentioned… which i never heard of, but of course im a newbie…but definitely interesting..

  6. One Big question:
    Many people when they cite the prophecy of Azor Ahai, start it with "When the Red Star Bleeds…"
    But somehow I remember that it is "When the Star bleeds…"
    the word "Red" is being put there by people who believe that it is referring to that comet… but what if its not?

  7. Is there a a relationship between the Drowned God (what is dead may never die) and the powers of resurrection displayed by the Red priests and White Walkers? The Drowned god prayer is literally describing resurrection. I know their priests are just doing CPR but Could the Drowned God be one of the two Gods, fire or ice? Or a hero from a long gone ancient civilization, probably sunken into the ocean now? History on Westerns seems to repeat itself so the battle between Ice and Fire could have happened many times all over Planetos.

  8. +Order of the Green Hand – F*ck!ng awesome metaphor/description of Danærys!!!!! First scene, literally..a little (well…the show, obviously..18+) girl floating in a scolding bath…dead, dead, dead. (I stole that from the beautiful little actress in Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 14 – who plays the Seelie Queen…haha, it's just in my head – "..dead, dead, dead..!")

    ♡ ya guys!

    Valar dohæris…

  9. Wow – with this video you lost me. So far I could follow your wild-yet-self-consistent conspiracy theories, but I couldn't make sense from this one. 🙁

    Amethyst Queen, Dany died and got sent back, one burning corpse per dragon in the fire? Sorry, I don't get what this is supposed to mean. Do you have a version of this video with a "… for Dummies" type of explanation? 😉

  10. So you think the final quote is about Mance (Sir Arthur Dane) and in the books George will play through N+A=J and R+L=D baby-swap-gate so that D is Azor Ahai? I would really love this… I keep thinking about it every time I hear D&D tell that story about getting the show commissioned…it would be a mega lol if at that dinner they got it wrong and George did the whole thing as a massive distraction 🔥❄️

  11. Not one mention of Quaithe?? She's shadowbinder and blood mage who can telepathically communicate with Danaerys and is absolutely littered with star imagery! Her mask is made of starlight in Danaerys final chapter in ADwD, implying that every starry dream Danaerys has had could be her doing, including guiding her to the dragon-awakening ritual.

    The dream looks like a fight between fire and ice. She starts far from home, from the red door. Warmth takes over, she remembers Drogon and home, until the stars in the daylight sky are swept aside by another, icy, force, which tries to scare her away from awakening dragons with images of destruction and the death of Viserys. It seems this force almost won, but the force of Fire sacrifices Rhaego and regains control, imbuing Danaerys with fire and blood. Maybe this resurrected her, maybe it was just needed to wake the parts of her needed to hatch the dragons.

    Quaithe is a good candidate for the force of Fire. The other i don't know. The Three-Eyed Crow?

  12. I know you have plenty of work already. It would be fascinating to examine the minor show characters and do a series of who they may actually be. (Season 7 prediction market.) Daario is obviously highborn, and someone more than his story. Samwell and Loras both mention " philosophical differences" later, Daario uses " philosophical differences " as reason he killed captains. also noted Danys bath curtains had 6 sided Quaithe / melisandre symbols in Daario scene. Could he be Aegon / young Griff in show? Could Bronn be a Reyne? Varys trying to install a blackfyer, supposedly has sword "blackfyre". Hope you'll consider, I love all your work! Have a great weekend! Love QOT.🌹 🌹


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