The Old Powers are Waking Part 6
Garth Greenhand, the Fertility God-on-Earth and his godly bloodlines

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

Art and Visual Images Courtesy of:
Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. you guys are full of info and i would really like to see a prediction video for TWOW by you guys…Don't worry, you got time to do it since winter is still a long time away…

  2. He's very similar to Pan. There's also a Gaelic/Irish myth that shows depictions of THE GREEN MAN. Same beard, flowers, and women!! I have one hanging in my garden. Y'all r so great!!🐺🐲💟🌹🐙😍❄🌞🌠🔥🐊💗

  3. Unrelated to this specific topic of Garth but sometimes i worry that, after all this time, with all these awesome theories and legends within ASOIAF we either will never get to know 90% of it or if do, the actual events and stories will be nowhere as good as the theories.

    On a brighter note, your videos are fucking brilliant!

  4. I had to take a hiatus from YouTube but I have been tempted back. Nicely done video, as usual. Maybe the fertility of Garth is related to the idea of the first night, and the chance of spreading the seed, which is apparently strong! I also find the polygamous marriages interesting and I think there might be more of that which was practiced by the first men before the Andals and the faith put the kibosh to it, as well as blood sacrifice! Looking forward to more more video's from you guys!

  5. Hmm interesting last few words there – as was the rest, but…. – in Dany's HotU scene there is a "blue rose in a chink of ice." That's often thought to be Lyanna's connection with Jon, but would you consider that Rose's connection the Bran the Builder?

  6. Def gotta take everything from TWOIAF with at least a grain or two of salt
    it's a biased work, against magic and I have a snaking suspicion the Targaryens as well.
    Best way for Citadel to kill the talk of magic is make previous dragonriding kings look like dump while simultaneously bolstering the Baratheon reign.

  7. The part with Lann the Clever is false. In the Reach they believe he was a bastard of Florys the Fox or Rowan Gold-Tree. But actually he deceived Garth by posing as his son and that is how he got a part of Garth's inheritance. It is more suitable to his nickname. Nice video

  8. I'm sorry, you guys. You are one of my favourite channels for information and knowledge. However, in the past week or so, YouTube has been bombarding us with adverts. I don't mind a short ad before the beginning of the video, however, these ads are getting longer and longer. There used to be a skip button, but that has disappeared. The current video about Garth Greenhand is now completely ruined, since YouTube has inserted an ad in the MIDDLE of your video – and it lasts about 12 minutes! Since it is about Turkey, I have absolutely no interest, but my anger is growing at these practices. I have put in a complaint to YouTube, but have received no response. I'm sure you agree that putting such a long ad in the middle of your video is doing nobody any favours. You are not the only people having this done to them. These ads have ruined a lot of what could be very valuable pieces of information – so much so, that I feel it is pointless to continue watching.

  9. I've watched this again after re-watching the series. I know you guys dive more into the books than the show. but I think the showrunners pay homage to what Martin was wanting to do or is going to do. Like what I asked about with Mance & the sword of the morning in the show. There looks & what they said. "I wish you good fortune in the wars to come" It's like he new the great war was coming. In the first season it was said many times about Jon Arynes last words were "The seed is strong"… If the Green Hand literally was the ancestor too all the houses that have been fighting would be so ironic. Including Targaryens… This is the Adam & Eve with a lot more Eves of The Song of Ice and Fire! Also Lady Crane in season 6 another shout out nice! Oh yeah I forget… How many bastards did Robert have 20 something? How many great houses are there exactly?

  10. So… if "young girls flowered at his smile", did young boys grow some balls in his presence? Or is this just another case of gender objectification? -.-


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