The Old Powers are Waking Part 3
The Sword of the Morning and the Battle for the Dawn.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
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  1. Late to the party, as it were, but I had someone tell me that I should check out this channels theories. Maybe I shouldn't have started off here, but I gotta say that I'm not too impressed. The logical leap that the person would have died from the meteorite and, therefore, couldn't have been close enough to find it and, therefore, must be from space, is completely not grounded in logic or realism. Meteorites come in all shapes and sizes and it takes one of substantial size to cause the kind of devastation you're referring to (access of 20 meters, at least, depending on material type). This would most likely go well beyond the size of "a magical stone", particularly if said stone was only large enough to make a single greatsword. There's accounts of people getting HIT DIRECTLY by meteorites traveling around 30K mph and surviving. These were only pea-sized, of course, but it illustrates my point: for smaller meteorites, you can totally survive being in close proximity, particularly because (if the meteor remained intact at the landing site) we're not talking about an in-air explosion like is speculated to have happened in Tunguska. Ultimately, if this is where you're going to start from and make the leap to "the first Daynes were from space", I just can't follow. It's not a logical leap aside (I assume) from the head-canon you've built around during your other theories. Sorry, but I'll pass because, ultimately, I think a good theory should be grounded in logic first, whereas it seems that you're working from a pre-supposed state and working from there.

  2. How do you guys picture the blade of Dawn? I don't know what milkglass is, but I'm picturing metallic looking porcelain. If I'm right, it's actually pretty goofy and not cool looking at all.

  3. When telling me all this about the Daynes and them being descended from Gods and the Starks Line coming from Florian the fool who's also a bastard of Garth Green hand and Azor Ahai makes me think of Jon and his parents being Eddard and Ashara. And how he will end the Long Night and is Azor Ahai reborn. Especially when hearing the lilac meaning of house Dayne's color is rebirth and how Jon will be brought back to life in the books…. I wrote this half way in the video and just finished watching it I was on the right path with this one!

  4. I've just had a crazy idea. What if during the original 'Battle for the Dawn', it wasn't necessarily named for the survival of the human race (though that went hand-in-hand with it), but a literal battle FOR Dawn (i.e. the SWORD, not the rise of the sun or mankind's survival)?

  5. When I was listening to your video I kept thinking of Stardust, in which a star falls from the heavens in the form of female personification of that star called, Yvaine. Which then made me think of how lightbringer was said to be tempered, in the blood of his wife Nissa Nissa. I'm now wondering if Nissa was actually the star/goddess that fell to the earth (instead of the god you proposed), and fell in love with the first lord of Starfall. This would explain why Azor Ahai had to kill his wife because she was the true essence of the star, and it is said her soul combined with the steel of the sword. She also seems to be related to the heavens in some way, with the story saying that the moon cracked after this act. Dayne's are described to have Valyrian features but GRRM says they are not of Valyrian decent, but if they are the children of a fallen star I'd say their features would make since (white is what I'd think of for a fallen star to have). I'm wondering if the star came down to end the long night by testing and finding a man worthy to be a hero. Once she found one, she led him back to where she fell, to forge the sword needed by her chosen hero. I believe the story says "he knew before hand", because she told him that she'd be needed to forge the sword. But since he loved her he tried the other two methods first in order to save her. Since I was hoping her name would help this theory I discovered these various meanings such as goal, beginning, sign, woman, end, friendly elf/fairy, and even test by some sources. But the meanings seem to be a bit obscure in how they could help describe her character, I can make some of them work but it doesn't seem as concrete as you thoughts on Baelish. Anyways I really like this theory/video and look forward to your other ones.

  6. The man saw meteor as it impacted. It probably did a crater in water. The man was close enough to witness….but far enough away to survive blast. Then man followed devastation to it source and discovered "star stone"…Just enough to make a sword or two.

  7. wow your logic is very stretched on how meteorites work… Hundreds land on earth every day,… the size, speed and angle of impact dictate the size of the impact… very possible for one to land beside you and do no damage… there is a well documented case of a woman being hit by one… No boiling rivers, no insane fires etc and there are also cases of people seeing them fall and following the trail out to the landing point

  8. Love this theory. Jon is the Sword in the Darkness who will be reborn as the Sword of the Morning. The Azor Ahai myth is another clue the Daynes are of godly decent. The legend claims Azor Ahai forged Lightbringer by sacrificing Nissa Nissa, but what if Lightbringer is not a real sword? Instead, Azor Ahai thrust his "sword" (penis) in Nissa Nissa and she later died giving birth to the first Sword of the Morning who followed the falling star to what is now Starfall. The first Sword of the Morning or the Last Hero had a dog and picked lilac as his house's colors in honor of his mother, the Amethyst Empress.

    And since Sirius is a binary star, which was believed to be the soul of Isis (who had an invisible twin named Nephthys), I can't help but think it's meant to forshadow Jon is a twin.

  9. You're thinking of asteroids. Meteors usually burnup in the atmosphere. Some do land but they are so small they don't cause explosions. A meteor big enough to create Dawn wouldn't cause hardly any damage.

  10. So Dawn is described by Ned as "pale as milkglass, alive with light". There are two other mentions of the expression "alive with light" in AGOT: 1) to describe the seven-sided crystal used for the worship of the Seven, 2) Jon's description of the Wall: "it shone, alive with light, a colossal blue-white cliff that filled up half the sky." Maybe there's a link between the two? Valeryan steel is made with a combination of fire magic and blood magic, and is blackish. I believe the Wall and Dawn could be made out of a combination of ice and blood magic, with a ritual known by mankind or the cotf (or both) at some point in history.
    Also, you probably know that ASOIAF was supposed to be a trilogy, at first. When ASOS came out, a description of the book at Amazon – which was promptly removed (can't find the reference right now, sorry) went something like: "with a dramatic ending at Starfall"…

  11. Targaryen blood seems to be quite focussed on in the show. But perhaps it's Dayne blood that's more important. The slight of hand to deceive the viewer/reader is likely to be important for the final crescendo/twist

  12. You briefly cover a thought that Jon has about four constellations, the ice dragon, the shadow cat, the moon maid, and the sword of the morning. According to your theories John is related to the sword of the morning which is Arthur Dayne, Arthur Dayne is Mance Raider, and he was attacked by shadow cat and tells John the story. And the phrasing is "He was old friends" with these 4 things. Do you think this passage foreshadows Jon or Aurther's storyline? Someone will encounter an ice dragon perhaps? I have no clue who or what the moon maid is though.


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