Part 3 of The Wars to Come: An Introduction to the Tower of Joy Kingsguard’s Unlikely Allies.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

Art and Visual Images Courtesy of:
Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. I imagine the bigger part of the next books is going to be characters taking off their masks and revealing they were different characters all along. And they would have gotten away with it if not for you meddling kid John Snow. That, or ASOIAF is not scooby doo

  2. You two are amazing. I have read the series twice and NEVER made any of these connections. I crave for someone to talk to about these theories. You two satisfy that source. Thank you for your hard work!!

  3. I wonder if the mormonts are in on it? They share blood with the high towers. AND one of the titles given to Giantsbane is "husband of bears". Who has kids who have unknown father says they change into bears to find a mate? House Mormount.

  4. I love the idea that Mel is Seastar but what about the memory she has in her POV chapter "melanie lot 7" or something like that. You are far and away my favorite youtube channel!! you have made me reread the books more than once.

  5. I´ve been watching your videos for the second time. Wow. They are better the 2nd time around!. I appreciate how much time and effort you must have put into them. Thanks so much for the "clarity" especially now that the show has turned to be so disappointing on many plot lines. I am also re-reading the books now and kicking myself for not noticing so many gemstones. Thanks for your work and congrats on the best channel on GoT!!!

  6. Hi there Order of the Greenhand! Loving your videos. 🙂 I'm really curious… most theories posit that Quaithe is either Shiera Seastar or Ashara Dayne. Given that you both believe Ashara is Septa Lemore and Sheira is Melisandre (that second one I'm much less convinced by so far), who do you suspect Quaithe is?

  7. I am completely torn on your videos. I wholeheartedly appreciate the time, effort, and knowledge put into each, but they become increasingly more absurd as the series continues.

    For any of this to pan out, close to 50% of the characters pivotal to Robert's Rebellion (chiefly on the losing side) that are "known" to have died have to be still living and under alternate identities for decades. They have all been in collusion of a secret plan that they were convinced of decades prior based on the urging of someone who reads something with no evidence at the time, which we have seen be a difficult thing to convince the realm of in the present (when there is proof). It requires the saga to literally be a completely different story than the one that is being told. It would make 90% of the story taking place in the present pointless sleight-of-hand for a story merely hinted at among thousands of pages.

  8. How many people are on your research team? I've seen hours of videos from The Order of the Green Hand and have only heard two voices. While the theories are fluid and well backed from the books and series the knowledge which tells me it was conceived from the mind of just a few people. However, the vastness of knowledge and meticulous detail tells me there's got to be more of you collaborating on this. I am quite impressed. Whether your theories are right or wrong they are well backed and hard to argue against. Keep up the great work!!

  9. Is this the episode where you say Jeur Mormont was allies with the defenders of the Realm of Men? So why was he allowing Craster to give up his sons to become whitewalkers?

  10. I sort of overlooked the Order of the Green Hand in the books but after watching this I agree they probably do serve a larger purpose for the story. As for Melisandre being Shiera Seastar I'm not convinced, I believe Mel is from Essos & was sold into slavery as a child like she says. There's something very specific she recalls in her POV chapter; 'Lot Seven' and the name Melony which relates to her backstory. Then in the proceeding Tyrion chapter we hear a very similar thing spoken by one of the slave traders who's selling Tyrion & Jorah off, believe it's something to do with 'Lot Nine' & for me it's pretty clear from that she's not lying about being sold into slavery. And as for the connection between Mance & Lord Manderly I'm not convinced either, as yet again the evidence for most of the things you bring up in this video are still only coincidental at best. This theory is very elaborate and creative but it lacks any solid evidence so far.

  11. At 10:01 in the video, it hit me how strange the letter was that got Stannis, Melisandre, and Davos so convinced they had to go north. They haven't been looking in flames. They've been talking to Arthur Dayne/Mance Rayder. Finishing the video now. I'm sure they will cover that with how thorough and intuitive their theories always are.

    If Jon Snow is resurrected in the books (which I mean duh) will it be because Blood Raven warged into him like the prologue of ADWD?

  12. I love your theories, but I think you're reaching on Stannis. Stannis is uncompromising, and kind of a dick. Mance wouldn't go for a plan that gets a lot of Wildlings killed, surely?

  13. Something I found the other day. When Wymen is wounded by Hosten Frey in aDwD it is Maester Medrick that treats his wounds. The only other Medrick in the story, I think, is Ser Medrick Manderly who fought with the Black during the original Dance of Dragons. And Medrick the Maester is from Hornwood, who should have no allegiance the the Boltons. Do you think that this is a clue from GRR that Medrick is part of Wymen's plots?

  14. I'm so glad a found you guys, I admit that I'm so simple that I could watch a theory video and by the end be so sure it's true, and then watch another that contradicts it and end up changing my mind. This is why I can't watch movie reviews, they are so well argued they change the way I view a move I previously liked. Honestly my entire view of the series will generally vary from video to video. Then eventually, after much Preston, Ideas of I&F, Alt Shit X, Secrets of the Citadel, Westeros History, Radio Westeros, Vassals of Kinggrave, and dozens of others I eventually had some rough idea on how I believed the world of ASoIaF functioned and where the story was going that was a mash of everyone else's. THEN, after this, I found your channel and to my surprise found your ideas line up perfectly with mine. I know this sounds strange due to the work you guys do but for the first time it felt like my ideas, not another's that you guys put the hard work into elaborating on. I hope that makes sense and doesn't just sound like a claim to your ideas. You're original, just for the first time, some others original and my original align.


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