Part 2 of The Wars to Come: The Secret Identities of Arthur Dayne and Gerold Hightower Revealed.

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

Art and Visual Images Courtesy of:
Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. There is also a line where mance rayder, just after being revealed to jon snow in the melisandre chapter, calls Tormund a "phony." I really want this theory to be true! we find out in one of jon snow's chapters that a brother boasts he once put an arrow through the white bull's hand. I wonder if we'll find that Tormund has some scars resembling an arrow wound in winds of winter….

  2. I am rewatching because I miss you two 🙁 Also the last King of Torentine – Vorian Dayne took the black!! He was a sword of the Evening and the a great knight as well. So Arthur Dayne choosing to serve his wows to Office of Sword of the Morning over his King's Guard vows to protect heartlessly a King he didn't support is such a Dayne thing to do.

  3. And my theory was that that Arthur was Jon's dad. Best swordsman in the land. Make sense. And he was protecting the tower. Maybe that's the secret that Rhaeger was protecting, that he actually didn't love Lyanna but his best friend Arthur was. It would be fucked up if all this time Jon was with Mance, he didn't know he was his father.

  4. I have a question also because they never talk about stark wives I have come to the conclusion that the starks practiced incest for the most part until after Rikkard stark (spelling) they married cousins just as the targs except Bro and sis … my thing is why has it been a secret for the most part what are they hiding

  5. Mance: I've never had a crown on my head or sat my arse on a bloody throne, if that's what you're asking. My birth is as low as a man's can get, no septon's ever smeared my head with oils, I don't own any castles, and my queen wears furs and amber, not silk and sapphires. I am my own champion, my own fool, and my own harpist.

  6. Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning and Mance Rayder, the-King-beyond-the-Wall – Like How many characters are described with a five word phrase after their name repeatedly? And capital letters only twice? second and fifth word. Must be hinting at something!

  7. Tormund knowing about Maesters and goose feathers for quills is very specific, not something every wildling knows. Especially if there are no geese north of the wall. Knowing about ravens sending messages is normal though. It's important to know how your enemy communicates.

    However there is a theory going that could explain a bit of his knowledge, even if it's a bit weak. He tells a story how he did a she-bear. There is a woman called a she-bear, Maege Mormont. She isn't married, but has children. It's suggested in the theory Tormund is the father, meaning he has been south of the wall. Maybe he knows what he knows from her and his trips.

  8. If Mance Rayder has been secretly seeing Jon Snow grow up while sneaking into Winterfell, then it makes sense for it to be an act by Arthur keeping his Kingsguard vows. It also makes sense that Ned, out of honor, would spare him his life and allow him to take the black and sneak in to ensure he basically let Arthur do it out of respect. This would also explain the Ghost of Winterfell.

  9. I feel bad that you guys have to constantly tell about 1000 tards a day that these are based on the books. I hope you guys are right though, makes me realize just how much I miss no matter how many times I've read the books.


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