Part 5 of The Wars to Come: Red God and King’s Blood Explained

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
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  1. "King's blood/Kings' blood" is not a distinction to make any kind of point with.  No matter where you put the apostrophe, King's Blood and Kings' Blood both just mean "royal blood".  If you mean to say that "Kings' Blood" indicates that a person (Edric in your example) had the blood of many kings, then that could simply refer to multiple Targaryen kings (and he is descended from multiple Targaryen kings through his great-grandmother), or it could refer to his descent from the line of Durran Godsgrief, who were kings in the Stormlands for millennia, or it could refer to his descent from the hundreds of petty kings that ruled tiny kingdoms back in the Age of Heroes and practically everybody in the story is descended from one or two of those. And yes, it could refer to the old kings of the Reach, who count the mythical figure Garth Greenhand as an ancestor. 
    I've got plenty more to say about this, but I'll leave it at that.  I do enjoy your videos, I think they're well made, but as in the case of your need to have simply EVERYBODY be secretly somebody else (Mance, Nan, etc) you're taking things way beyond the scope of available data.

  2. I hope this is whats going to happen in the next book jon gets revived he helps stannis win the siege of winterfell but stannis dies in the siege and then the northern lords go King in the north for jon and from there i dont know

  3. I don't think the Children caused the Doom, or are the "ancient evil". There are specific mentions of the first men fighting alongside the children of the forest against the White Walkers, and the ancient enemy that is referenced is also alluded to be death or dead, and the children are never depicted as undead or deathly. Otherwise, we would have heard WAY more about them. We know so much about the White Walkers because

  4. I don't think any religion in ASOIAF will turn out to be 100% accurate. Also after 12000 years everyone in Westeros would have the blood of Garth Greenhand, just like everyone in europe being related to Charlemagne. Check this out: At this stage Garth Greenhands' blood is basically just the blood of the first men. And that assumes Garth Greenhand actually existed, he could be a King Arthur style figure or a composite of many historical figures.
    But yeah the Starks were kings for thousands of years, and the Targaryens less than 300 years. I think kings' blood is just the blood of men who ruled over other men. Also Melisandre could be mistaken…

  5. If king's blood is the blood of Garth Greenhand, does that mean the Dothraki (or Drogo at least) are descended from him? Otherwise, how do you explain the success of Dany's bonfire ritual? That's the only hole I can see in this theory…

  6. The R'hollar Lord of Light religion/philosophy sounds a lot like Zoroastrianism, which had a heavy influence in the formation of Xian doctrine & the idea of dualism operating in the world(heaven & hell, love & hate, light & dark, good & evil, etc) They akept large bronze braziers of fire lit in their temples at all times. The eternal flame…

  7. Will say though I don't think Garth Greenhand is quite as grand as you claim & I don't see that quote "One land, one God, one King" is supportive enough even with the supposed parallel between R'hllor & the ancient Fertility God of the First Men, if it had said something like "one world, one god, one king of men" I would agree with you.

  8. I always thought with King's blood it was like natural born leaders meant to be kings make for more potent blood magic. That perhaps just the fact that others perceive them to have such power being kings and all made it so, power resides where men believe it resides and all that.
    But I hadn't thought about Valyrian blood or the blood of Garth Greenhand before, now I feel that you may be on to something here. See I don't always disagree with you guys, you do have brilliant ideas sprinkled throughout your videos.

  9. I never saw R'hllor & the Great Other as genuine gods because I don't believe there are actual gods in the story. I do believe that there exists two supernatural abstract forces that oppose one another but they may simply be 2 sides of the same coin. Best you can hope for in a literal sense is Lovecraftian cosmic entities being responsible for all this but I doubt it as GRRM stated we won't see any literal gods in the story.
    And really I don't see the faith of R'hllor being any better than the Great Other as we've seen a lot of terrible shit that the Red Priests are responsible for whereas we really don't know anything certain about this Great Other.

  10. I've been bingewatching this playlist and now it's 4:15 in the night…..
    You guys are making more sense with every video, I'm even starting to believe a+n=j (which is the only thing I'm still not sure about) but Mance = Arthur feels like a fact to me now.

    1 question though, if all these important men know about the war to come, and preparing together, why do they do it in secret? Stannis, Jeor, Eddard, Illyrio, Varys are all very important and powerfull people, why not just tell the realm? Maybe you're going to talk about this in a video, because I'm not done yet!

    love the content

  11. I have to ask. halfway through the video is that a picture from the guild inn park? The image of the classical style theatre in snow? I'm sure it is…so have you guys visited it or are you living in Scarborough too?

  12. You people should ask what is King Blood and makes a person King. Mance was choose by people to be King in the books he as a son so this baby doesn't he have King Blood.  Was Aegon King before the conquest or after he was crown?.

  13. Just went through Dany's line of the Targaryen family tree. (Sidenote: Thanks to you, I am now looking for king's blood and dead things everywhere. Time to stock up on the tinfoil! Thanks, guys 🤓) I noticed that by Bertha Blackwood's marrying Egg, it got infused with some First Men or king's blood for the very first time. This also seems to complete the addition of all Westerosi "bloodtypes" to the old Valerian blood: First Men, Andal (Tully, Martell) and Rhoynar (Martell via Nymeria). And just one of each. This HAS to be relevant, right? Any ideas? Uniting all mankind? Sparking the return of the WW? Help! 😫 #touchedbyasoiafmadness

  14. Are the Baratheons not descended from Aegon I bastard brother? Also, the Daynes and Valyrian features. Surely that makes Edric Storm and Jon Snow special because they have a mix of Valyrian and First Men blood


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