Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
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  1. Caitlyn understands southern politics, not northern men. The two are as different as the seasons. Jon would not have claimed Winterfell unless all other Stark lords were dead. Ned knew it, Robb knew it. Caitlyn would not listen and her choices brought ruin to Winterfell.

  2. The victory must be won for children's sake.
    Robb: Brutally murdered
    Bran: Lost in magic land
    Arya: Turned into an assassin
    Rickon: Lost in a cannibal island
    Sansa: Walking around with a pedophile who set up her families death

  3. As to what Peter and Cat where talking about I think Peter found out about Ned and Ashara wedding and was ploting against Ned and manipulating Catlin? I would like it if you could do a video on this (forgive my spelling I have dyslexica)

  4. At least Cersei and Olenna have the balls to be who they are; Catelyn hides behind her husband's reputation and pretends to be something she's not. I can't help but despise Catelyn for the way she treated Jon Snow, either.

  5. You guys totally nailed this one. I am now on book 4 so Cat’s officially dead but when she was alive I HATED her which is the opposite of what I felt in the show. In the books I blame her for the whole thing, Ned agreeing to be the hand and all. She leaves her kids at WF to go to kings landing when she shouldn’t have, she gives Robb bad advice, goes against his rule, frees the Kingslayer, all the whole only caring about herself! She also NEVER says anything nice about ned other than growing to love him, always talks down about ned when comparing him to his brother. I can’t believe Ned ever agreed to marry her.

  6. I wouldn't say that Catelyn isn't a heavily flawed character. But you cant deny that she does genuinely love the people who are close to her. That's whats so great about GRRM's characters, none are wholly good or wholly evil

  7. I guess everyone has their flaws but we must admit, Catelyn does have a strong sense of honor and family. Plus I don't think she would stoop as low as Cersei and have her husband killed or have an incestuous relation ship with her brother.

  8. Your first point is a massive jump in logic that I am surprised you guys would take after watching your Tywin Lannister videos. Just cause they are in bed means that they are having sex, that is an impressive assumption to put on even the most promiscuous couple.

  9. Nice, but next time when you start your story, don't interrupt it with an explanation about whether something is important or not to read, just read it so you don't have people getting annoyed after less than 2 minutes

  10. This is why I love you guys XD This was my first video I watched from this channel, I literally thought I was only person who hate Cat, I know I comments on other videos but wanted to make one on this video.

    I remember reading game of thrones for the first time, and reading cats chapter and thinking to myself, wow what a selfish bitch and people complain about Dany but not Cat or Sansa even? Then when I get to the part where jon wants to say goodbye to bran, and holy fuck did that part make my blood boil.

  11. Can I go one video without someone telling me to subscribe? I'll do that if I feel like it. You requesting is going to make sure I don't subscribe. Just had to get that off my chest.

  12. When you think about it, Ned was no genius himself.  Baelish played him like a fiddle.  He underestimated Cersei.  He didn't prepare himself to take on the Lannister army.

    Once Robert was dying, Ned had to expect the Lannisters would've seized the moment and take the throne.  He knew first hand of their treachery and barbarism during the rebellion.  Like Robert, Ned was over his head.

  13. I did not find anything wrong when she thought "the knock" or "the man" instead of "a knock" or "a man" because I sometimes say "the" when saying "a" would be more appropriate. It might be some verbal tick she has.

  14. Cats logic: We have the king slayer an important figure for the enemy lets trade her for my two daughter that can not help us in the war also fuck you loyal banner men that helped my son

  15. WOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooow……….
    Cat was one of my favorite characters in the show! I never read the books, but I know a lot was changed. BUT THIS????!!!!
    Rewatching the show I kinda don't like her as much because she REALLY dropped the ball with Tyrion and the Lannisters, and her treatment of Jon never sat well with me at all even when she was my favorite character, but I didn't hate her by any means.

    BUT THIS!!!!!

    I loved her character because on the sole fact that she supported her man emotionally and mentally when he wasn't sure of some things and stands by his decisions when he knows he is right AND HE DOES THE DAMN SAME FOR HER!!
    I swear it is almost a bitch to see this in tv or movies. And I felt Ned and Cat were a power couple because of this. I thought "FINALLY A LOVING COUPLE!" None of this power struggle we keep watching on tv. Its as if they complete each other and not compete.

    …My world has crumbled… I loved Ned and Cat… now they are no better than Robert and Cersie ……OHHHHHH GOD DAMN IT

  16. The text seemed to 'jump' something when it went from what was clearly the Narrator speaking to the couple being in bed together. I don't know about the books but in the show Cateyln admitted that her hatred for Jon was unfair and unreasonable but she could not help how she felt. If I had come home to my husband with the child of some other woman in my home, I would have been offended too. I think you also are getting the narration of the story confused with the speaking parts you attribute to Cateyln. She seemed to enjoy sex with Ned according to what you read. She wanted to be pregnant again. Before you read it, I knew Ned was afraid to go King's Landing and he admitted that as you read on. He was also still jealous of his brother even though he is dead, just as Cateyln is jealous of whoever Jon's mother is. She advised him wisely on taking the seat he was being offered, Robert is not just his friend anymore and I do not blame her for wanting to secure her children's future by ensuring Jon would have no further claims on Winterfell, any mother in her place would have felt the same. So this video didn't do it for me because it only told me what I already knew… she hated Jon, that was unfair to him but she did admit this herself at least on the show. Perhaps your next videos show more of the point your trying to make, I will go through and listen to each one. Just my opinion, entitled to it.


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