Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
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  1. In fairness, regarding the negotiations with Walder Frey, the Blackfish's approach might not have worked so well. After all, as Walder points out, Robb and the Tullys are rebels, and since he's also sworn to serve the king, that oath could be seen to override his oath to the Tullys. That said, Catelyn is still evil and not terribly bright.

  2. Catelyn:Trust little finger ned he has been wanting to fuck me for years that makes him trustworthy it doesnt matter that he hasnt contacted me in 14 years and problably still hates the starks thanks to youre older brother

  3. How can you say the blackfish would have done better at the twins? catelyns deal would have worked perfect if her son didn't bungle it all up. the blackfish would have only insulted lord frey, who ended up betraying them anyways, you think that would have made it less likely? thats one of the best things anyone did in the entire war. she sealed their families (or intended to) so that he would never betray them she knew he was otherwise untrustworthy. even if they got through with the blackfish, late walder frey wouldn't have shown up in time for the war.

  4. While I don't agree with everything said in the series, I have to admit this is absolutely hilarious! The Cateyln Tully body count really has my stomach hurting. I hope you two kept it for the last two videos.

  5. I've despised Catelyn from her very first chapter. The fact Ned never shared the secret of Jon's origin with her <HIS WIFE FFS> is pretty much a giant truth bomb about her character as perceived by her own hubs Ned…. and the Tully's with their entitled better than everyone attitude created monsters like Walder Frey……jus saying…..his hatred was fed….minus Blackfish, Tully is a shyte house.

  6. Oh, and the most disappointing thing about this…you try to show Cat is worst than Cersai by getting her family killed, while she does the same? And, if the Lannisters weren't into incest, NONE of this would of happened? It is so stupid, I expected better of you. At least, if you insist on pretending you are authority, be able to contend with an English major. The story would not have happened if not for the Lannister Twins. Done, and done.

  7. I do not like Catelyn, but some of this is absurd and unfair. I have watched this THREE times, and your opening statement in the first video is bullshit. Cerasei's evil does not even compare to her, especially in the books. You bitch on Cat saying she is shit for haitng John when Cers gets an abortion OUT OF SPITE. She could have had a legit child, but CHOSE not to! All Cat does is legit in her eyes for the betterment of het children, when Cers only cares about a prophecy. Cat is an idiot, yes, but she legit cares for her children, while Cers does not care and is only born into more power. I could go on and on and hit every point you say with logically fallacies in the first three episodes, but I wont. I hope you are smart enough to see this bullshit. Yeah, episode 4 and 5 are 100% legit. Everything she foes after Ned's death is so stupid…but before that, I believe she really does care, which I never got from the Ice Queen.

  8. I am so happy that you touched this subject of Catelyn, as I was reading the books and then following the TV series, I kept repeating "it is all her fault". Starting with her hatred for Jon, first forcing Ned to accept Robert's proposal, then demanding that he stays with her when he had already accepted Robert's, kidnapping Tyron and starting the war that ultimately was the demise of everything she loved. I do not like her at all, and I do not understand why in the books she had to come back, there must be a reason I think we will see when we will see, but as up today, she is the most stupid-evil character of the whole series. grgrrrgrrrgrrr

  9. Catelyn may feel like a devoted mother but in reality, she is reckless, she is careless, she is manipulative and she sucks at almost everything you expect from a mother. She got Ned to trust Littlefinger, she without caution took Tyrion prisoner for a crime he didn't commit and took him to the most dangerous place in all of Westeros, the Eerie. She had no idea how to care about her own children especially in the first season. She was horrible towards Jon Snow who was an innocent child from the beginning, she had a favourite child (i.e. Bran) and she didn't even take a moment to think about her other sons as well as her daughters. Love these videos you two, your analysis is top notch.

  10. One thing that gets me about people in Ice and Fire, most people miscalculate their power all the time. Lots of mistakes are made by people who are too trusting of themselves or others.

  11. I agree with this video except on two points, Little Finger NOT Cateyln started this war. She was ignorant enough to trust him, he knew she would, he played her like a fiddle! And not being a seasoned battle commander or having been exposed to court like her sister she had no idea what she was doing… I agree! That might make her an uppity & entitled rich person but how does it make her evil?

    Ned, however, could have and should followed his own instincts. He was not manipulated into accepting Robert's appointment, he knew if he had not done it would appear that he was now against Robert. According to what you read, he said as much, it was why he was taking the girls with him, so that Robert wouldn't turn on him. He knew she was right, he didn't want to go because he was afraid he would die in King's Landing… and he did.

    So okay she sucks! She has poor judgement! But how does this make her EVIL? You said above SUCKING you would show that she is evil (worse then Cersi) or a terrible person. Moving on to the next video.

  12. WoW I didnt realised how much Catelyn Tully fucked house Stark more than house Lannister /Bolton combine before these videos. she is definitly the dumbest or most evil character of the story , I cant even tell.

    Maybe the fact that she came back as lady Stoneheart shows us her true color ? She was always lady Stoneheart in my opinion , even alive. Jon Snow would agree with me on this.


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