Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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  1. Let's also not forget that if Brienne hadn't been so determined to carry out her mission, Jaime would have been recaptured within a day. No-one could have imagined Brienne would be capable of sinking a warship and nearly drowning the entire crew with nothing but some quick thinking and brute strength. So Catelyn's 'plan' to exchange Jaime for Sansa was GOD AWFUL on every single level.

    Its honestly amazing Brienne had any respect for her at all, let alone endless amounts of loyalty.

  2. When i found this series i was like: "Really out of all people Catelyn? Rorge, Bitter and Ramsay were worse." I'm not so sure now.
    I'm surprised that i didn't noticed majority of her "decisions". Maybe because her chapters are.. how to say this.."a technical obstacles." But hey, i must have caught at least some of her madness when i instinctively compared her with Rorge and Bitter. 😀

  3. I think the first letter was from Little Finger. After years of attempting to get Jon kicked out and failing, she must have asked her childhood friend for help. For Baelish, it was opportunity he was looking for. There has to be a reason he took Sansa under his wing other than for just looking eerily like her mother. He must have hoped Sansa's attempts to play the Game of Thrones, like her aunt's and mother's will cause more chaos which he can use to advance himself.
    He does not realize that Sansa is a wolf within, deep within admittedly, and adversity only makes her stronger, more cunning and ruthless. I do not know about the books but in the show, she played him, squeezed out everything of use from him and executed him after his use was over.

  4. "We have to make a video about how much Catelyn sucks. Could be a bit long though."
    "Might have to be a two parter."
    "Oh my god it's a full blown series."
    How I imagine the planning for this series went.

  5. Yeah you missed a bit. The "trial" Tyrion had was completely illegal. Neither of the batshit sisters had any right to try Tyrion. Catelyn has no right to try anyone since she's not in charge anywhere, she just sleeps with someone who does. Lyssa has no jurisdiction at all, nothing that Tyrion is accused of happened in The Vale. It would be like the Attorney General of New York arresting you for crimes in West Virginia and having you tried in a New York State Court.

    So suppose that they had got a "conviction", presumably through beating Tyrion down until even execution seems better ("Sky Cells always break them"). What would be the result? Well nobody not personally loyal to the batshit sisters (love that name) would think it was anything but murder. Tywin Lannister would then make it his personal mission to have both of them killed. His preference would be execution after a trial, but knife in the night will do in a pinch. And most of Westeros would say "fair enough". Meanwhile he would demonstrate to the Vale, the North and everyone else who needs an object lesson why you don't murder Lannisters, you know like he did anyway. Note that this is the best case scenario. This is what Catelyn WANTS to happen. It's actually worse than what did happen because everyone knows she's crazy.

  6. In the medieval world, the vision was that the world was held together by "love" or some other 'moral' order. Shakespeare's tragedies reveal a similar model: A great sin breaks the moral order and sends the world into chaos… and order returns after the death of an innocent. Here we are dealing with a world that has been precipitated into chaos… by Little Finger… and the whole story is about a world out of order, in which people are constantly improvising because the normal assumptions are not working any longer… There are few areas of this is saga where people have been doing things the same way for a long time and can anticipate or plan. Cathelyn is just an agent… that miscalculates and is quite imperfect … but so are the others. Ned miscalculates, Rob miscalculates, Bolton miscalculates, Cersei miscalculates, Oberyn miscalculates, Theon!!, Yara!! Stannis!! Melisandre, Renly, even Oleana T.,  The sand vipers, the Dornish princess (not in the TV series).  We have very few heroes… like the Blackfish, Tyrion, Arya, Jon, Sam, Brienne, Jorah, and they too miscalculate or are betrayed. It is all pretty relentless. Sansa, like a good Tully, will also overestimate her power, Arya is also getting pretty sure of herself… . And Dany learns about her limitations early enough. I can't see Cathelyn as an exception.

  7. That's how patriarchal societies set up women. There only means of women of having identity of safety is securing their children's legacy. So I can't hate her to much. More pitty her for bring stuck as a pawn herself of men.

  8. I have just now re heard the Catelyn Chapter when they reach the vale with Tiryon. She thinks in one sentence that she needs to send Neds words to Winterfell and in Brans chapter right after it he thinks about a messenger that came from the vale and the meeting that Rob held with his top people and among other things done he mentions orders being sent to Moat caeilim. So she most defenetly did tell Rob about Neds wishes. So that at least can't be said about her.

  9. Thanks for this series of vids. How y'all feel about book Catelyn (which I think that's the perspective y'all are going with?), is actually how I felt about show Catelyn. It might be because I came to the show late that rewatching the past seasons all of the scenes with Catelyn just made me roll my eyes and or skip them, I guess I don't have a heart or something lol, cause I didn't feel sympathetic towards show-Cat.

  10. Cateyln's concern for the future of her own children is no different from any other woman born in Medieval times including Cersi. The problem I have with the piece the female read is that it was read in a tone seemingly designed to lead the viewer to her conclusions rather than let the viewer make up their own minds. I don't know about the 'resurrection' part since that is in the books and was not displayed on the small screen but from what you argued in your videos, I don't see evil, I don't see someone worse than the Queen Cersi I have come to know on the small screen. I see a woman trying to protect both herself and her children making ALOT of foolish moves based on ignorance and perhaps pride. I don't think she was relieved that her husband was dead I think she was tired of being jealous of a woman she would never get to face down. Jon had taken the Black and was no longer a threat to her kids future. For him to leave the wall would mean his death. She knew that… she wasn't that ignorant. She wasn't 'cunning' like Cersi and if that is a crime then she's quilty but not evil.

  11. Question.
    1. Did Nimble Dick have an ulterior motive for taking Brienne to the cave with the Weirwood?
    I noticed he was buried by the ww tree tying in with your theory of them living on human sacrifices. I will have to reread the chapter but it seemed like ND knew exactly who he would find and should have known he would be in grave danger when they all met up but still went anyway. Was he going there to give his life and knowledge to the tree like ppl do at the house of black and white?

    2. Could it be a Firewyrm that was trapped under Winterfell with it been said they were probably around before dragons and lived underground tunneling through the earth. Was this how the crypt's were first made?

  12. You all hate her because you would have done things differently only AFTER knowing all the story. if you put yourself in her place I can hardly fault her for what she did. Yeah some pretty awful stuff but she did what she thought was right and hate all you want but I doubt you would have loved Game of Thrones if everything went as planned. That's not life.

  13. I agree she made some horrible decisions, but you make her seem so evil and you are too critical of her. Yeah her child is in a comma, this isn't some night tech hospital that would alarm the family is he strokes or dies. why trust a nurse no one would look after her child like the mother. like u said her other children were older, being looked after, and healthy. why take the dwarf to winterfell if they would attack there and possibly kill her children n tear down the castle. I agree she sucks but not as bad as you all make her seem.

  14. Oh god, i didnt read about a SINGLE PERSON who has really understood Catelyn's character. I read just so much ignorance, blinde hate. But obviously people prefer stereotypical and banal characters, not complex, human and great like Lady Catelyn Tully Stark.

  15. Her vanity runs deep but uses her children as a reason to justify her cruel acts. All the while she claims lannisters are the worst type of human so people won't see that she is the worst of the worst.


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