It’s the end of an era for House Lakers, as Lord Kobe Bryant hangs up his jerkin.

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Created, Written and Voiced By:
Adam Malamut
Craig Malamut

Animation By:
Adam Malamut
Craig Malamut
Brandon V. Fletcher
Richard Silvius

Storyboard By:
Pat Keegan

Special Thanks:
Ishaan Mishra
Travis Hunter
Alex Mangini
Spencer Oshman

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  1. "Just get the rebound" lol There's the Kobe we all know and love. Kobe's career spanned two generations, so you get the fans who saw his whole career and appreciate the greatness. Then you get the whiny little kids who only saw the old and slow Kobe and think he sucks because stats or something…I don't know, whatever it is those little faggots are jerking their two-inch dicks too these days.


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