Fans of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire have been waiting a long time for his next book, The Winds of Winter. The last A Song of Ice and Fire book hit store shelves in 2011, a full decade ago. Although he updates his fans now and then, the fans are really annoyed as he is taking too long to finish. He recently talked about the hate he gets online for the Game of Thrones finale and not completing Winds of Winter yet. In spite of all the heat he is facing right now, he once again reassured the fans he is still working on the much-awaited novel.

In a recent post on his blog, Not A Blog, Martin wrote:


“WINDS, you say? Yes, still working. Finally finished a clutch of Cersei chapters that were giving me fits. Now I am wrestling with Jaime and Brienne. The work proceeds, though not as fast as many of you would like.”

Martin also took the time to show he is not the only author who took a really long time to complete a book. Referring to his recently deceased friend John Miller, co-writer in the Wild Cards series, he wrote:

“I wish he had written more. He had been working on a novel called BLACK TRAIN COMING even longer than I have been working on THE WINDS OF WINTER. It would be great if one of his writer friends finishes it for him.”

When do you think George R. R. Martin will finish Winds of Winter? Tell us in the comments below!



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