George R. R. Martin is one of the most famous novelists in the world today, and his stories are loved far and wide. The TV adaptation of his A Song of Ice and Fire was adapted as Game of Thrones, the biggest show of the 21st century. However, he hasn’t been able to complete the novel series, the last book having been published a decade ago. Fans are desperately waiting for the next installment of the series the Winds of Winter. Though he keeps assuring us he is working on the project, the fans are convinced otherwise. Recently he announced his new graphic novel project, titled Voyaging, that he dreamed of ‘long before’ Game Of Thrones’ Westeros.

Martin wrote on his blog Not A Blog, “The Thousand Worlds stories spanned centuries and light-years and had their own cast of heroes, villains, legends, and colourful characters… none of them more colourful than the trader (and ecological engineer) Haviland Tuf, the protagonist of a long series of stories I collected together in the fix-up Tuf Voyaging.”

George R. R. Martin lines up new graphic novel ‘Voyaging'

“I always meant to write more Tuf stories. At one point, back in the 80s, I planned a second collection of stories (Twice As Tuf) and a full-length Tuf novel (Tuf Landing)… but, alas, other novels and television and Ice & Fire came along, and what with one thing and another I never got around to writing them.”

“From time to time, I’ve even played with the idea of a television series about Tuf and his adventures… the stories are presently under option, as it happens, but… well, that hasn’t come to pass yet either. But I am thrilled to be able to say that Haviland Tuf and his cats (he likes cats, y’see) are coming back… in a graphic novel.”

Here is the official description:

George R.R. Martin and Raya Golden’s VOYAGING, VOLUME ONE: THE PLAGUE STAR, the first volume of a graphic novel adaptation of TUF VOYAGING, Martin’s short story collection set in his science fiction universe the Thousand Worlds, to be adapted and illustrated by Golden, which follows a group of unlikely spacefaring rogues on a mysterious mission involving unfathomable galactic fame and fortune (but only if they can survive), to Kaitlin Ketchum at Ten Speed Press, in an exclusive submission.

Martin also shared an artwork by RAYA GOLDEN, with the following comment:

“….these are rough color tests and they may or may not end up looking like this in the end, but I think they’re pretty close to the final versions which I’ll be working from once I finish up the script…”

George R. R. Martin lines up new graphic novel ‘Voyaging'

Are you excited about Martin’s new graphic novel? Tell us in the comments below!


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