George R.R. Martin has solidified his reputation as one of the preeminent fantasy authors, with acclaimed works such as A Game of Thrones and A Dance with Dragons from his A Song of Ice and Fire series. Yet, in recent times, the esteemed writer has not released much new material, leaving fans eagerly anticipating The Winds of Winter.

George R. R. Martin would change one thing about Winds of Winter

In a recent panel interview hosted by Oxford Writers’ House, Martin admitted as much when questioned about the one aspect he would alter in his books. He said, “Oh, I don’t know, I could probably change more than one thing. If I could change one thing about one of my books, I’d have them finished.”

George R. R. Martin envies Gene Wolfe

Martin felt envious of the legendary 70s writer Gene Wolfe, who, despite having a full-time job as an editor for a technical magazine, devoted his free time and weekends to writing his books, a practice Martin did not follow. Comparing himself to Wolfe, he said:

“Believe it or not, I’m not taking all that time to write Winds of Winter just because I think I’m Gene Wolfe now. I would have loved to have it finished years ago. But yeah, that’s the thing I think I would change.”

Read Next: “Your Viserys is better than my Viserys,” George R. R. Martin tells actor Paddy Considine from House of the Dragon

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