They continued: “Battle of Meereen (Barristan vs the Slavers) – Dany army in Meereen is about 22,000 men, the Slavers have about 70,000.

“I think that Barristan will hold Meereen (maybe die[s] holding it) which will give time for Dany to arrive with Drogon (maybe [with] Viserion and Rhaegal too) and if she get[s] the Khalasar she will bring them too and crush the Slavers.

“Battle of Storm’s end (Aegon vs the Tyrells) – Aegon [will] have 10,000 men.

“We don’t know how much Mace Tyrell [will] have with him at the Stormlands but since Garlen [will] have some of his army in the reach, maybe Mace probably [will] have about 50,000-60,000 men.”



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