There are few things in life that unnerve me more than really bad taxidermy. Well, that and little girl ghosts…and clowns, but that’s it, that’s what gets to me. So imagine my horror when during Game of Thrones: The Last Watch — the two-hour behind-the-scenes documentary about Game of Thrones season 8 — a monstrous hellhound straight out of my nightmares appeared on screen in the form of a stuffed animal stand-in for the bestest boi in Westeros, Ghost.

Feast your eyes below:

Eerie, isn’t it? Fake Ghost doesn’t even have a lower jaw. And just what is he doing, anyway? Is he mounting that bag?

Anyway, it’s remarkable how…whatever that is…is transformed into the cuddly best boy we see on screen. Although there’s less space between Fake Ghost and Real Ghost than there is between Fake Drogon and Real Drogon:

Movie magic!

Anyway, like @Phusaza, we would be happy to give freaky taxidermy Ghost a forever home. Or maybe it could be shipped to Kit Harington’s house where it can sit beside the Jon Snow statue for all time? Harington can charge two bits a gander and we would pay it.

Yeah, it’ll be a while before that’s not weird.

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h/t Harper’s Bazaar 



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