“Hello from Norway! I’m sorry to say that today I tested positive for Covid-19, the coronavirus. My family and I are secluded in the house all the time that is necessary. We have good health, I have only mild symptoms of a cold. There are people with the greatest risk of this virus can be a diagnosis devastating, so I urge you to be extremely careful,” he said.

In addition, launched some recommendations to avoid contagion.

“Wash hands, stay within 1.5 meters away from the other, go in quarantine; just do everything possible to stop the spread of the virus. Together we can fight this virus and prevent a crisis in our hospitals. Take care of yourself, keep your distance and stay healthy! Follow the rules to stay safe and protect not only yourself, but our entire community and especially those at risk, such as the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions”, he added.

The actor Norwegian joins a list of stars that were positive last week, including Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Olga Kurylenko and most recently Idris Elba.



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