HBO continues to pull back the curtain on season 7’s biggest moments with its The Game Revealed series. This go-round, it takes fans behind the scenes of “The Dragon and the Wolf,” with a focus on the sequence with the wight in the Dragonpit. As director Jeremey Podeswa puts it: “One wight: way more complicated than ten thousand wights.” Discover why in the clip below.

Wights were introduced in the first episode of the series, but this was the first time Lena Headey (Cersei) got to interact with one. Being “a horror nerd,” it’s awesome how excited Headey was about the scene. “Oh, my very own zombie!” Stunt performer Michael Byrch deserves applaude, too; it can’t be easy to get yanked off your feet by your neck.

Meanwhile, Nerdist unveiled another clip from this episode. This one revolves around Littlefinger’s death in the Winterfell Great Hall. Podeswa, Aidan Gillen, Sophie Turner, Isaac Hempsted Wright, Maisie Williams and showrunner David Benioff all weigh in. Have a watch:

If Littlefinger had to go out, it was good to go out on a high note, with Gillen turning in possibly his best work ever in the role. He won’t be missed, but the show won’t be quite the same without him.

Finally, a brief clip about the outfit Daenerys wears into the Dragonpit made its way online courtesy of :

Truuueee coloooooors!

This entire episode of The Game Revealed is available on HBO Now. That goes for the other six episodes in the series, as well.

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