A SHOPLIFTER who stole the Game of Thrones themed Monopoly board game has appeared in court.

Leanne Lyons, 37, of Church Road, Wootton, admitted two counts of theft when she appeared before Isle of Wight magistrates.

She stole three sets of the boardgame from WHS Smith, worth £80, and a wireless charging stand from Boots.

The offences were committed on November 26 and December 2.

Barry Arnett, defending, said: “She tells me she has previously had an addiction to dugs. But she is very proud of the fact that, in the last few weeks, she has been entirely drug free.”

Lyons was ordered to pay £180 in compensation for the items she stole.

Presiding magistrate Peter Redding said: “This is the past Ms Lyons, not the way of the future Ms Lyons.

“The fact that you have been able to remain drug free for a number of weeks, especially over the Christmas period, is highly commendable and difficult for anybody.”



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