A continuation of Gods Don’t Bleed. Now that the mobs believe Herobrine is not a god and have seen him bleed, more and more have joined the cause. The rebellion has spread and our Herobrine faces an ever growing threat of dethronement.

Thanks for watching my stuff, and if you want more, stay tuned! 😀

Watch the Prequel! Gods Don’t Bleed:

Behind the Scenes:

NEW Merchandise made by me for you guys!

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Set Design:


Also, did you find the suppper secret deleted scene? 🙂



  1. I think he dies off screen, my reasoning behind this is that the first video was called Gods Don't Bleed. This could mean he's not a god, but because he bled at the end of the first one, I think because of the title to the sequel, he dies. I know these animations take a very long time to make but it would explain why there's not a third one yet. But I really love this video, keep it up dude!

  2. This is combining a few other ideas with my own, but maybe in the third one you could have Herobrine trying to rebuild his kingdom but then a nether portal appears and drags him in and then the wither and his nether armies try to kill him but he manages to beat them barely and then Steve comes and they have an epic 1v1 fight and Steve uses potions and stuff to help him fight but he loses but notch saves him and kills herobrine.


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