Arya Stark is the youngest daughter and third child of Lady Catelyn and Lord Eddard Stark. Eddard was the head of House Stark and Lord Paramount of the North. The North is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms and House Stark is one of the Great Houses of the realm. House Stark rules the region from their seat of Winterfell and Eddard also holds the title Lord of Winterfell. He is also the Warden of the North to King Robert Baratheon.
Arya rejects the notion that she must become a lady and marry for influence and power, instead she believes she can forge her own destiny. Syrio teaches her how to ignore her troubles to focus on fighting.
Eddard confronts Cersei, who admits that her children were fathered by her brother, Jaime Lannister. However, before Eddard can inform Robert, the King is mortally wounded by a boar while hunting and dies shortly afterwards.
Arya runs to the crowded square, and, to get a better view and see her father, she climbs on the pedestal of a statue of former Targaryen king Baelor (for whom the Sept is named). Eddard is brought out and pulled through the crowd.
Arya dashes forward, drawing her sword in an attempt to save her father. Yoren manages to grab her. Holding Arya against his chest, he tells her not to look. Before he is
Arya defends herself with Needle.
executed, Eddard looks to the statue of Baelor and sees that Arya is gone. Arya looks up at the sky. Upon seeing the frightened birds taking flight from the cheer of the crowd, Arya knows that her father is dead.
Song : A Thousand Hollow Words
By : Savfk – Musics
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  1. Lovely work. You do a great job capturing the essence of Arya;'s character and drop interesting clues on where her journey will take her. GRRM spun a story for Arya defined by:
    a. bloodlust and revenge (she has her list),
    b. complete rejection of the traditional female role,
    c. the long journey to become a lethal assassin, and
    d. family above all else

    Arya's final season needs to stay true to the hallmarks of her story.

    While Jon and Daenerys battle the Night King, Arya convinces the Hound to avoid a firey battle with the undead and instead join her on a Kings Landing mission to strike off the top names on both their lists – Cersei and the Mountain. Revenge must be served. Clegane Bowl happens (the Hound wins) and at the same time Arya uses a Golden Company/handmaiden's face to wrap her hands around Cersei's pale white throat (fulfilling the Valonqar Prophecy in a "little sister" translation). "The last thing [Cersei] is going to see is a Stark smiling down on [her]."

    Team Jon and Daenerys won't be distracted by Cersei's betrayal; Cersie falls before the Night King is neutralized. Arya plays no meaningful role in the battle with the Night King, but brings the hope of brighter days to Westeros with Cersei's "Walder Frey-like" death.

    The final season makes it clear Arya wants no part of marriage and titles but instead, like Nimeria, will run with her own pack. Ned taught Arya, "We must protect ourselves, look out for one another." Arya will form and lead a pack of Westorosi assassins inspired by the Faceless Men but who do not worship the Many Faced God (Arya's services require a more noble justification than gold for death). "What do we say to the God of Death? Not today." Instead, Arya's pack will seek out justice where injustice exists. "Anyone can be killed." Arya effectively becomes Batman and forms her Justice League, Ned would be proud.

    Arya stays close to her family (i.e. pack) in Winterfell (Sansa). Stark fans can envision a future Aunt Arya encouraging one of Sansa's daughters to embrace the young girl's inherited tomboy disposition, much like Ned did for Arya.

    Arya's season 8 list: a. re-unite with Jon, b. kill Cersei, c. serve justice as a lethal assassin, d. show little girls they can be more, and d. grow old by her family's side.

    For sure, this all sounds too good to be true in GRRM's world. But, Arya's eventual happy ending is the toll GRRM must pen in order to pay for all the deaths he has in store for our favorite characters (Jon, Jamie, Bran, Varys, Jorah, Tormund, et al). All bitter and no sweet will be an unsatisfying ending. Arya's story will turn sweet as the screen fades to black.

    Write it into existence GRRM.


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