GOT | End of Lannister – Tyrell alliance | Consequences


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  1. I am one who is beginning to believe Jamie and Cersi are children out the mad king. ALL throughout, both have gone in emotion or reaction, whereas Tyrion Always thinks things through (save for killing Tywin & Shae). Tyrion is the only one who behaves like Tywin. AND the only one who survives with allies.

  2. No One will care what Cersei's "reasons" are. remember this is Middleville Fantasy. We have gotten a pretty good look at how stuff really works. Their legal code is HUGE on something the modern world has forgotten PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. The actions of your own doing or for Anyone Under you can cost you your head in that world and Really Dang quickly. ALL OF JOFFERIE'S Selfish Shyt is Cersie's fault!
    Margery was beginning to be a really good influence on him. With him still being really young, she could have curbed at least the bulk of his sadistic crap. (This is why she flips when the Queen of Thorns owns up that she killed him. Margery figured she had pretty much handled that and would put on the finishing touches after the wedding night.)
    Cersie has no kids left. They were the only reason she tried to ACT human. She has no Allies, no comfort, No one who can keep her from being completely unhinged. She has the Chife enabler Qybern, who is a sick MF and an alchemist. Now she has become the chick form of Joff, just older, more experienced and Crazyer.
    (Jamie has to snap out of it soon and either kill her or flee at the first sign of dragons)

  3. So Cersi was influenced by Maggi the Frog? That explains alot, maybe Maggi the Frog had an agenda then, because reading the future is not all she done then, if Cersi acted on what she had been told then what if she had not been told. Sounds more like Maggi the Oracle to me. "What's really going to bake your Noodle later is would you have broken it if I hadn't said anything" BAMD

  4. littlefinger might get the knights of the vale and try to pursue the notherners to come help cercei , which is VERY unlikely since dany is coming and we only have 7 episodes next season

  5. okay dude. i have some criticism on this video. First off all, don't sum up your arguments. You say number one, number two etc. You shouldn't do that. Make you points one story. I'm not a native english speeker, but I would use frases as "secondly", "also" , "don't forget", and so on. Doing so would make your story sound a lot less childish. Now you sound like you're talking about your pet rabbit or something.

    Also, I think you could have pointed out why the Tyrells are a wealthy house. Since they control the largest amount of people they also get the most off tax revenue.

    Good video, but you honestly can do better. Cheers mate!

  6. spoiler warning for season 7
    sam discovers how to make valyrian steel, dany contributes with dragon fire, gendry blacksmiths the shit out of it and john take the lead in battling the walkers. the end.

  7. Thanks for talking about the IB. if Cersie teams up with Euron she might send him to destroy IB.
    If dany takes KL. who pays all money back. Does the IB then own the castles and land.


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