Bronn and Tyene Theory comfirms that the plot leaks might actually be true and not a fan fiction like what other fans says.

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Game of Thrones
Season 7
Season 8
Finale Episode
Jon Snow
Daenerys Targaryen



  1. The inconsistencies of that supposed plot leak are glaring. Theon being in two places at one time (off rescuing Yara in 7.7, but with Jon & co in 8.1). Bran being stabbed to death by wytes in one ep, then the night king himself, with dragon glass in another. Euron somehow overtaking the best swordsman in the show (Jon). Then this Tyene miracle? Don't think so. Tyene and the sand snakes deaths, as well as Dorne being lost to Dany's enemies wrapped up that entire story line. You're assuming Bronn and Jaime bothered to see who was in the cells, found them alive after days or weeks, somehow gets ahold of the antidote and then leaves them there? Jamie never mentioned it, nor did anyone else. Also, if Cersie found out about the meeting with Tyrion, she'd certainly realize Tyene was missing.

  2. Wow, what a pile of clickbait BULLSHIT! If you're going to try and bullshit people. don't start with the most obvious lie of them all, Jon and Dany having a child…..and her somehow being old enough to talk to Tyrion…..You do realise the last season isn't going to be 10+ years in the future, and it sure as hell won't take place over the course of several years…Jackass!

  3. Is she dead, did anybody see her die, in true game of thrones fashon nobody is dead until we have seen them die.
    having said that jon snow died and was then brought back to life and beric whats his name died six times and brought back to life.
    so the true answer to this is….fate unknown

  4. I do think this is true now. All your leaks came true before. And since they really didn't show the actual scene of her dying then she might still be alive, rescued by Bronn who might have the cure.

  5. Wow, you are absurdly reaching. The Long Goodbye poison AT MOST most takes a few weeks (confirmed by Qyburn in S7). By the time anyone could rescue Ellaria and Tyene, literally months would have passed and the poison would have killed Tyene already. Though it's possible Ellaria may still be alive since that was Cercei's intended punishment for her. As far as Bronn being king of Dorne, Oberon had EIGHT daughters total. If the Dorne succession passes to Oberyns next oldest daughter in line (after Eurons attack and resulting Sand Snakes deaths) what incentive will she have to marry a foreign sellsword upstart, who had been a known lackey for the Lannisters, the most hated family in Dorne and whom the Martells blame for many deaths in their family? Though Tyene may have liked him a little,this new sister who inherits Dorne will never have met him before. This is fan fic. And stupid fan fiction at that.

  6. If she had full immunity, was the fear on Tyene's mother's fear acting (well, yes cracking the 4th wall, it seemed to be meant as real to me!)
    Immunity often has to be reinforced by boosters and such, su as Tetanus.
    The only rational way Tyene is able to last the 4-6 weeks until Bronn could intervene, but the fear was just as real is that she has "some" immunity but is aware it won't keep her alive but just draw out the process. Then Bronn finds out and gets her the full antidote, probably sneaking her food and water (perhaps by bribing/threatening guards?)
    I personally doubt this scenario, it does read like fanfic, but its HBO and it's going to sweeten the "Bitter" that RR promises!
    (So damn much $ in prequels and sequels,
    HBO doesn't want to turn off the whole audience with a near totally down ending!)
    But…also, it was unclear how long the poison took killing Myrcella? Weeks at sea perhaps? HBO compresses travel scenes as much they can unless something is happening but it's still exists. If the Dragons like the ones on Pern can "blink" across Space and even Time?????
    Still think she dies it's fan fic😎

  7. If she had full immunity, was the fear on Tyene's mother's fear acting (well, yes cracking the 4th wall, it seemed to be meant as real to me!)
    Immunity often has to be reinforced by boosters and such, su as Tetanus.
    The only rational way Tyene is able to last the 4-6 weeks until Bronn could intervene, but the fear was just as real is that she has "some" immunity but is aware it won't keep her alive but just draw out the process. Then Bronn finds out and gets her the full antidote, probably sneaking her food and water (perhaps by bribing/threatening guards?)
    I personally doubt this scenario, it does read like fanfic, but its HBO and it's going to sweeten the "Bitter" that RR promises!
    (So damn much $ in prequels and sequels,
    HBO doesn't want to turn off the whole audience with a near totally down ending!)
    But…also, it was unclear how long the poison took killing Myrcella? Weeks at sea perhaps? HBO compresses travel scenes as much they can unless something is happening but it's still exists. If the Dragons like the ones on Pern can "blink" across Space and even Time?????
    Still think she dies it's fan fic😎

  8. Cersie's spy network is extensive. How can a poison antidote escape her knowledge in her prison that save the daughter of one of her most sought-after-enemy for revenge?

  9. Also you can't build up a relationship with Arya and Gendry and then force Gendry and Sansa down our throats within half a season. It would be terribly inconsistent. Not to mention GRRM confirmed the show would have an ending that is absolute with no ambiguity. Bran becoming the new night king in the final scene the way the leak says it happens would be the worst final scene for a huge show since the last scene of the sopranos.

  10. I would love for this to be true as I love Tyene and Bronn together but it is Highly unlikely due to what is going on and the timeline Bronn has been away from Kings Landing. The rest of the "spoilers" for season 8 are fake scripts or poor writing. I'll lean towards being fake. The season goes against 7 seasons of foreshadowing, story telling and character arcs. Wouldn't make any sense what so ever to build Bran up for seven seasons to kill him in the second episode of the season. Would not make any sense to kill Jon, Jorah and Jaime at the SAME time and the biggest thing to point to confirm all of these leaks are untrue is the foreshadowing of Cersei's death. Dan and Dave have gone out of there way to foreshadow Cersei's death at the hands of Jaime with her standing on the neck in the map and him on the fingers. Way too many inconsistencies with the writing from GRRM and the story arcs provided. I do think Euron can cause problems and maybe try to become a force to stop until the mid season but if he lives past cersei and the night king himself it would be other worldly terrible writing as they have built up cersei and the walkers since season 1. Euron become a main villain at the end of season 6? Wouldn't make any sense. In reference to how you keep pointing to your other leaks being true, many outlets had the scripts and leaked them and HBO responded by attempting taking action against some of those outlets bc they knew in fact the leaks were fact. HBO hasn't commenced any actions against outlets putting these leaks at all.

  11. Its been several weeks since Tyene was poisioned. There is no way she can survive.

    Except of course, there are some wild possibilities (which is hihgly remote) that she hid an antidote on her body and she can use it to save her life. The problem here is that her hands and mouth are tied,.

  12. Can't be. Tyene was – according to the time lapse in the show – poisoned months ago. The poison she was given kills in hours or days – not weeks or months. She is long since dead.

  13. I don't believe he will marry Tyene. I do believe the spoilers though. Oberyn had 8 daughters, not just the ones shown on the show so it is possible for Bronn to marry one of them.

  14. Unfortunately, the actresses who played the DOrne characters were never given a chance to redeem themselves or make any impact on the show as originally intended. They was ted their whole potential and cut half of what they filmed off off the show!!!

  15. IIRC in season 4 Oberyn said he had 7 children. 3 are known to have been killed, so it could be one of the other 4 so far unknown characters. I think the leaks are total crap too. In the making of Thrones season 4, they demolished the sets for inside the Eyrie as it was done with for the series. However in Season 8 episode 5 of the leaks, Sansa and Robyn Ayrn are hiding out inside the Eyrie during the battle there.


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