A look at the flower of Highgarden and late Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

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  1. Wow. Re-watching this you can really see what a master manipulator Margaery was… But in a good way – She was really the only one that could twist Joffrey's evil cunt into doing what she wanted instead of acting on his insane impulses.

  2. What I find so strange is that Margaery was always soooo kind to Sansa. She tried her hardest to be her friend. She wanted to have her arrange to marry Loras which made Sansa very happy (even though he way gay but she didn't know & then the Lannisters snatched that dream away. Every time they spoke, Margaery said she wanted them to be friends, good friends and I truly think she meant it. She always said how she wanted Sansa to be happy and Lady Olenna did too. Margaery wasn't vindictive in the way Cersei is. Yes she had her ambitions but she also had a kind spirited heart. So the point of my post is why at 43:10 did Sansa very dryly (while rolling her eyes) and almost as a sneer say "We have a new queen" to Tyrion?? She didn't seem happy about it one bit even though she never had issues with Margaery and she definitely didn't want to be with Joffrey anymore at that point. So what was with the scorned and bitter comment? It just seemed so out of character for Sansa to bitterly refer to Margaery as their new queen the way she did 🤷🏼‍♀️

  3. the way she played joffrey is amazing! no one could stomach the insanity within that blond cunt's head, but margaery spun threads around him like child's play! the tyrells obviously had plans for winterfell with sansa, but she was gentle and didn't use her as a piece. she really took after her grandmother. love them both. rip house tyrell.

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