Let’s talk about the 10 best moments of season 7!



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  1. I liked the reunion between sansa and Arya it was as awkward as I thought it would be. Jon and Dani do the deed. Tyrion and Cersie's conversation. Cersie's acting with The sand mother. The scene with bran Arya and Sansa just walking together made me happy

  2. To each, her own.. I hated the ship battle. As with much of the season, too many things just made no sense… like how you find the flagship in pitch dark, why the ships were close enough to be vulnerable to firepults, why there was no warning, the failure to explain "the silence" to show only watchers… maybe I'm just upset because the ship battle could have been a two hour movie in of itself, and yes, they are pressed for time. Still..

  3. 10- The Hound confronting his brother
    9- Nymeria and Arya
    8- Tormund and the Hound chat about dick
    7- Death of the Freys
    6- Gendry and Jon
    5- Jamie walks away
    4- Snowfall on Kings Landing
    3- Field of Fire
    2- Lady Olenna
    1- Arya sparring with Brienne

  4. I don't understand way they are fortifying the north to fight the Dead that is like fighting the Dothraki in an open field it fucking dumb and now the night king has a dragon if anybody had any since the would abandon the North because its a lost cause and save as many people as they can and wage a guerrilla war in the neck. then fall back to the Vale the best defensive position in Westeros. could you make a video on that hopefully Jamie will come and straiten things out. Honestly I think the Dead are going to bypass everything and go strait for the gods eye and only destroying things in their path.

  5. I think Littlefinger's end was actually fitting. I didn't really like his plot with the letter but it demonstrated how desperate he had become. In the earlier seasons, he was able to get away with his plots because he posed as a friend to the Lannisters and received their support. But when he openly declared for the Starks, assuming that Sansa would be ruling with him whispering in her ear, he lost both his gamble and his backing from the Lannisters. He had no more plays left at the end.

  6. Too many to be honest – Olenna going out like a boss, Field of Fire, all the amazing moments between the 7 hunters (Tormund and Hound especially), Arya vs Brienne, Sansa playing Littlefinger, the Stark reunions, Jaime walking out, "fermented crab" and Gendry using the hammer – too many to pick a 10.

  7. RAWRIST….I come to you seeking your wisdom. I can't seem to find a specific discussion on the Maggie the frog prophecy in regards to Cersei and 3 children. Why is her first born always dismissed? Yes, he died but he was born. If you do a video on the prophecy that would be great if you touch on that. Love the channel, you are awesome!

  8. 10) Rhaegar flashback – It was nice, but come on, that was Viserys 2.0!
    9) CleganeBowl foreshadowing – GET FUCKIN HYPE!
    8) Littlefinger's death
    7) Viserion reawakening as a wight
    6) Field of fire 2.0
    5) Jaime finally leaving Cersei
    4) Boat sex
    3) Arya and Nymeria
    2) Night King destroying part of the wall
    1) Drogon letting Jon/Aegon pet him

    what a season that was!!!💓

  9. The "All in the Family" scene should of been here. Come on, Danni and John' getting it on as Bran describes the wedding in flashback mode was great. Remember this is coming from a blind guy that did not even see the sex, but just loved the entire scene. Heck, I did not even know about the sex till I watched your recap of the episode.

  10. My top 20 this season:

    1 Butane powered Dragon
    2 Supersonic ravens
    3 Supersonic dragons
    4 Supersonic Gendry
    5 The Chain
    6 Scubazombies
    7 Scubajamie
    8 Unsullied: 1000 miles with no supplies
    9 Dothraki teleport device
    10 Greyscale therapy
    11 Tyrion's plan A
    12 Tyrion's plan B
    13 Jon = Aegon
    14 Plan to catch the zombie
    15 Asking Cersei for help
    16 Epic battle of Highgarden
    17 Robin Arryn
    18 Edmure Tully
    19 Ghost
    20 Hot Pie

    …and everything in Winterfell. Everything was awesome.

  11. I predicted the killing of the Sandsnakes would be your number 1, but hoped it wouldn't because it was really just book reader fan service. And also because there were just so many other things to love about season 7.

  12. Too many to list, like Eurons entrance, Viserion reawaken, Arya poisons Freys etc..
    10- Arya reunites with family.. Should have made it more emotional..
    9- Danny talking to Jon in the cave..
    8- Wall coming down.. Wonder what the Nights Watch will do now?
    7- Death of Little finger. Sansa did witness him murder her Aunt..
    6- Arya and Brianne sparring..
    5- Death of Viserion proof of Night Kings power, sad..
    4- Men talking north of the wall. (Jon, Jorah sword, tormund hound etc..)
    3- Olenna Tyrell's farewell.. She certainly pricks Jamie & Cerci
    2- The dragon pit, 7 years and finally most of them in one scene..
    1- Dothraki synchronised to place one foot one their horses.

  13. Who won the Wun Wun funko?

    I love your channel and I'm so stoked for future content.

    My favourite moment was Jon's beautiful perky bottom. To quote Louise in Bobs Burgers 'I just wanna slap it' 👋

    In all seriousness though I loved seeing Beric and Thoros using their flaming swords, it looked so bad ass and I loved the boat fight, it was fucking brilliant

  14. How to kill Littlefinger guideline:
    – Psychic boy who sees the past.
    – Assassin
    – The most stupid lords ever, who believe a psychic boy.
    – Littlefinger not acting at all like Littlefinger
    Littlefinger's death was one of the biggest bullshit acts ever, even though Aiden Gillen played it great.


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