I’m sorry but this is not a Winds of Winter update which I know you all want. Trust me I wish it was that way I can put that in the title but from time to time George R.R. Martin does reveal some other news that I’m happy to hear. Today the 5th writer was revealed that HBO is using to help create a Successor Show to Game of Thrones. Later, GrrM confirmed the news and was pleased to be co creating a new show with Game of Thrones Veteran Writer Bryan Cogman. GrrM also said this show was based in the world of ASOIAF and book fans will be pleased with what these two have been working on because it revolves around a very important time in Westerosi History. I was very excited to hear all of this, plus we could see a show air as early as 2019! Comment down below with your thoughts! Thanks for watching!

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  1. awesome news, would be good to see Valeria or what set the children of the forest to create the night king, I was really wanting to see the mad kings reign aswell but is that what George R Martin has said wont be done?

  2. Would be very interesting to see Asshai, the Shadow Lands, Ulthos and Sothoryos have some relevancy and exploration. What's west of Westeros? The edge of the world maybe?

  3. As much as I love the idea of this world continuing… seriously? He's already creating spinoffs and he hasn't even finished writing the books for this one?! For the love of the gods, FINISH THE BOOKS FIRST!

  4. The story of Nymeria would be fun. From the battles against Valeria to the Summer Islands to Sothyros to Dorne. It has everything. Valerian bad guys on dragons. Lots of opportunities to kill off major characters. Lands we have not seen. A new type of magic using water. Enough background plot to build out a compelling story. And a chance to portray a strong female lead who just happens to be the woman for whom Arya named her direwolf.

  5. Old Valyria would be sick as hell with a bunch of Targ-looking people running around with all kinds of dragons, with lots of flame and sorcery and fuckery, ending with a great volcanic eruption set to Pompeii by Bastille in the last episode… but the budget would be way too high

  6. Cogman! he seems like the only writer who cares about the books, you can always tell his episodes bc they will have tons of book references. He purposely puts them in to say "I read the books"

  7. The Long Night would be awesome as a prequel story. The Children of the Forest and The First Men uniting together to face the White Walkers invasion of Westeros, is very closely related to the current GOT series. It would be a seamless transition for the GOT fan base.

  8. The story that I'd like to see most and also what I think someone like Cogman might want to write about would tell the story of Bloodraven. His story would be incredibly interesting and rich with lore, and would also offer the possibility to introduce characters like Dunk & Egg. We also might be able to discover the fate of Dark Sister.

  9. What I would like to see is a show that devotes one season to each historical period. Examples of this could be: Season 1 – Children of the Forest; Season 2 – First Men; Season 3 – Andals…etc..

  10. You can tell by reading the comments that most of this channel's viewers aren't readers. "Let me know what spinoff you'd like to see" – Suggests ideas mentioned in video as if own.

    Personally I'd like to see The Dance of Dragons, a critical event in the Targaryen timeline. If they made three movies out of The Hobbit they can make a series from The Princess and the Queen (The Blacks and the Greens)

  11. The number one spinoff I want to see is
    1. Targaryen Kings Anthology series. I think that would be really cool. This includes Aegon’s conquest (which wold be awesome), The Dance of Dragons and of course The Traggedy at Summerhall.

    2. Yi Ti and the Golden Empire going all the way down into the Long Night and the Bloodstone Emperor, THAT would be awesome. I so desperately want to see a Jhogos Nai vs. Dothraki showdown.

    3. The Rise and Fall of Valaryia.

    4. The Rhoynish Epics. I would love to see them redeem Dorne in some kind of way and the Rhoynar are very interesting but their story is kind of simple. Nymeria travels and escapes death. Woo.

    5. Someone mentioned this. It’s not my favorite idea but I could be interesting. The Age of Heroes and the First Men series. I think that would be very different from Game of Thrones and because of that I fear the directors would recycle actors and portray these new characters in the same character archetypes of Game of Thrones. You know how narrow minded Hollywood directors are.

    6. I don’t exactly know what they would do but I want to see anything including the Summer Isles and Sothoryos. Just me lol.

    My main concern though is that if they give us a Golden Empire series or a Yi Ti series There. Better. Be. Asian. Actors. Casted. I swear to God. The same goes for the Rhoynish. They better actually cast brown skin people.

  12. As many critics correctly observed, the audience in the early seasons was largely attracted by copious displays of gratuitous nudity and sex. This has diminished in the recent seasons. Actresses who enjoy a steady paycheck for a while get an urge to be taken seriously for their craft.

  13. I would love to see a story about how the Targaryens. How it all started and why it ended. Or a story about how the Knight King became so feared after the sprites made him. The Long Night would be great. How it all started would be good, too. Thank you!!

  14. I'd love to see a giant planned prequel, 1 or 2 seasons about the first men, their wars with the children of the forest-and all of it in subtitles with the characters speaking some made up language or another: kind of like Passion of the Christ. Then a season of the peaceful times leading up to the first long night, followed by a few seasons focusing on Bran the Builder and that whole story. I think that would be amazing!

  15. I've been watching the show since it first started, and I honestly don't want a spinoff about The Wall. I don't want anything that would feel too much like it's living on the rotting carcass of the original show. I would be more excited about a spinoff based on those mysterious faraway lands on the other side of Essos, in the Jade Sea, like Leng, Yi Ti, and the Shadow Lands. The island of Leng has some very good lore about the God-empress, and her interaction with her two husbands, the God Emperor from Yi Ti, and the "Old Ones" living in vast underground cities, which are inspired by H.P. Lovecraft in some way, and then there's the Shadow Lands right next door, where people worship that creepy "Lord of Light", and where Daenerys' dragon eggs came from. The lore says that Demons and Dragons live there, and there's cities that even Shadowbinders are scared to go into. Just south of it is the jungles of Ulthos, that nobody knows how far they stretch, or what ancient ruins it may have, from civilizations so old nobody knows who they were any more, similar to what's going on in Sothoryos. It would be like a breath of fresh air, with new protagonists, and a new interesting setting while still being in that same ruthless GoT universe

  16. They will milk this franchise until the end of time. I personally don't care if any of my favorite characters die anymore because they all will anyway if this franchise continues beyond our own deaths. It's like a Star Trek/Star Wars forever franchise.


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