Arin describes his weeaboo tears and details the dangers of post-puberty.
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I have no idea how this game is played but I love watching yall play it
I have no emotional or nostalgic attachment to SNES Rainbow Road's theme. But when I first heard it I fucking cried for no reason besides how awesome and how beautiful of a song that is to me.
Just wait til your dick falls off a second time. YEEESH.
I'm pretty sure the type of people who believed the post puberty gag aren't old enough to know what the phrase "my dick fell off" actually means.
I still cry at the end of the land of waves arc in naruto. I'm 26 and that scene at the end gets me every fucking time.
Sweet jesus, I had that Ren & Stimpy cassette, too, and knew exactly what song he's talking about. And yeah, it's kinda sad.
"I know you've got your pecs now and gone on to bigger things, but before you go and flex now, there's a cat at home who sings that each and every day and night, he misses his best friend. And I only need to see you once to make this feeling end. And when people talk about you… I'll tell them…. that I knew you…. when you…were…just.. Ren."
I'm not crying; YOU'RE CRYING!
My nostalgia crying moment is pretty much the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy
Here's an idea. Stop playing this crap and play some Everybodys golf. Kirby golf was fun…50 episodes ago
Post Puberty is a thing. I eat super unhealthy and my dick fell of when i was 17.
Did no one notice Arin announce a great new product? Fuckin' Suckin' Robots are incoming!
Arin sure cries a lot
The crying thing has only really happened to me once and it was with the My Neighbor Totoro in theaters for Studio Ghibli Fest 2017, when I heard the music from my childhood again, I felt tears in my eyes.
I cry at least 5-7 times watching gurren lagann
I really hope someone animates the post puberty bit
I turned 27 a few months ago….i don't want a 3rd leg :'(
Arin sounds like me every time I play Nintendo or watch Ghibli
"Son of Stimpy" was a rather heartwarming episode where Stimpy goes around trying to find his fart cloud. Also Dan, "The Ren and Stimpy Show" is a lot easier to watch when you are older, and you have had a few. I say give it another shot!
Wow, "Fuckin' Suckin' Robots" was my first porn.
I cried when my dick fell off.
-Arin Hanson 2017
Arin loves competition, but somehow does not like sports the epitome of competition.
The first porn I remember was Muffy the vampire slayer. I was bold and ordered it off my dad's account and pretended I had no idea it wasn't buffy, but I totally knew! 😂
The first porn that I can remember, I saw was through my neighbors window because he has zero shame in his weird porn habits and left his windows open to brag about the big tv so eeeveryone could see it. I have no clue what it was but there was whipped cream, funky camera work and colored lights and green not in shape 1980's-90's people involved, so freaking strange. I'm sure I've seen porn before it I just can't remember it, thats why I qualified my comment from the jump.
9:13 "I love cum-competition"
Dude I had that Ren and Stimpy tape too, and I had to fast forward past that song all the time unless I was just in a weepin' mood. I also remember trying not to cry at the end of the episode where they adopt Kowalski the inmate for awhile and then he has to go back to jail. :/ I'm a bit of a crier.
Lol Arin is a weab
I thought he said °a floppy dicks collection" first time XD
Being 28, I can confirm I have exhibited all symptoms of post-puberty and can attest to their brutal nature and crippling depression that follows suit.
for 5 solid seconds i believed peoples dicks fall off at some point
I turn 27 in 12 days… I fear for my dick.
I totally get arin's thing about crying over random shit. I've found myself tearing up over big swelling musical scenes in cartoons and shit. I'm sure there's some music theory thing about why it happens.
Spontaneous explosion in post puberty is a real problem and it's time we as a society don't look away anymore. Die Ärzte, the famous German punkband, was ahead of everyone else – as always – and wrote a song about it in 1995. "Meine Ex (plodierte Freundin)" – My ex(ploded girlfriend)
Power Ranger was banned in Sweden because it was "too violent", many childhoods were ruined that day.
8:55 the closed captioning wrote Arin saying 'cause as cuz. What have we come to.
I thought I was weird because I get this crying spell feeling when I watch the Sailor Moon and scouts transformation scenes. I'm not alone 😭😄😅
Man I cried for the first time in a long time (over anything) because of the ending of assassination classroom, just a week ago.I still get sad when I think about it. Such an incredible anime with great characters, the ending was so moving…
I always ask people about that one scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 (spoilers) and I always seem to be the only one cried when Yondu dies
Health Grumps
HOLY shit if no one makes an animated on post puberty
Three beautiful anime that made me cry:
Clannad After Story
She and Her Cat
and the first season of Uchoten Kazoku.
Can't wait for my dick to fall off