To enter, fans must send their prediction about how “Game of Thrones” will end. “The main thing we are looking for is for competition entrants to predict how the main characters will end,” a rep from Unforgettable Croatia tells CNBC Make It. “What will happen to Jon Snow, Daenerys, Cersei, Tyrion and ultimately the White Walkers? We’re not looking for an extensive answer but someone who is close enough to predicting how it finishes.”

Unforgettable Croatia’s website also suggests answering questions like: What character will end up on the Iron Throne? Will Danearys reunite Westeros with her dragons? And will John Snow kill Danaerys to ignite the Lightbringer sword?

However its official rules note, “the winner is at the full discretion of Unforgettable Croatia. The decision of Unforgettable Croatia is final and no correspondence will be entered into.” If no one is “correct,” “we will pick our favorite suggestion,” according to the rules.

The contest website has information on how to enter and additional rules. Entries must be submitted by May 5. The “Game of Thrones” season finale airs on May 19. The contest has no affiliation with HBO.

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