After deadlifting 1,104.5 pounds (501 kilograms) on Saturday, the actor has now deadlifted more than anyone in the sport’s history.

He posted a video of the feat later that day.

“I have no words. What an amazing day, one I will remember for the rest of my life,” Björnsson wrote in an Instagram post following the lift.

“I said I was coming for it and once I set my mind on something I’m a dog with a bone. Want to give a huge shoutout to my family, friends, coaches, fans, sponsors and haters, all of whom helped this lift be possible.”

In 2018, Björnsson won the World’s Strongest Man competition. He has placed at least third in the competition every year since 2012. For the past three years, he’s also won the Arnold Strongman Classic title.

For the past month, he has been sharing his training regiment leading up to the record-breaking lift on his YouTube channel, where he also posts other workout videos.



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