Soundtrack of Inception. Music by Hans Zimmer.

The movie name is Inception! 🙂



  1. Words will never describe how I feel when I hear this. The thoughts that come to my mind. Just wow. Thank you hans zimmer and this movie is a masterpiece … just like this soundtrack.. Whosever reading this. I hope you are having a good day and if not , Hold on tight.. God Bless Y'all .. BYEEE 🙂

  2. Is this it? Is this the end? What sequence of events brought me to this point? What aboard circumstances lead me here? Is this the cruel painful plan that was orchestrated by the malevolent of deity? Who am I really? What purpose did I serve in this life that was granted to me? I suppose I'll never know. If this is what my life lead up to, and if this is truly the end, then I'll accept my fate.


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