Our crazy live reaction to Episode 8 of Season 5 of Game of Thrones “Hardhome”



  1. valyrian steel is made with iron and Dragon glass. only the most skilled blacksmiths can merge the two. Gendrys was taught this by a master blacksmith…hence why he is so important to the storyline.

  2. Valerian steel is basically a sword forged from steel and obsidian heated with dragon fire or other magic fire of similar properties, folded over hundreds of times til you get the dark smoky look and tempered in the heart of your loved one. Tho the last part is a legend.

  3. Dragonglass is glass forged from dragonfire, Valeryian steel is also smelted from dragonfire originally when it was imbued, making dragonfire the common element that is effectively the kryptonite to the walkers.

  4. His sword is the mormont valyrian steel sword. The targaryen words are how to make it. Fire and blood of a dragon can forge and quench valyrian steel so it kills white walkers. Old valyria was an immensely magical powerful civilization, when the first men came to westeros and fought the children of the forest, the children created the white walkers to fight back, its jsut lucky that the targaryens happened to know how to fight magic whent hey came to westeros. The iron throne itself is the best source of valyrian steel to fight the walkers. Why you think they made it the actual throne. The king is always closest to the most powerful weapons int he country.

  5. What pisses me off is that they have no fucking idea what that sword is… its Valeriyan steel… Jamie lanester has one which he gave to Briene of Tarth and Tommen have one….and there's another one… And dragon glass and Valeriyan steel are used to kill white walkers


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