Eager to get out the word out before the final season of Game of Thrones drops in April, HBO continues to release fully illustrated and annotated retrospectives about the show’s most prominent characters. It’s already hit Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark, Cersei Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen. Today, we bring you the singular story of the man, the myth, the hair: Jon Snow.

I love all the little details HBO has added to these retrospectives. In the Castle Black panel above, the snow is actually falling. Go check it out; it’s adorable.

Jon’s journey is also ribboned with quotes and clips. I’m glad Ygritte got a prominent spot. It’s the least HBO could do for her after killing her off at the midway point.

The Night King and his army of the dead loom large over the second part of Jon Snow’s journey…that and his murder. The Night King panel above is also animated, FYI.

I’ve always been of two minds about that White Walker panel Jon finds in the cave on Dragonstone. On the one hand, it looks a little amateurish, like a child drew it. On the other hand, that gives it a crudeness that has a power all its own.

Head here to see the rest of the Jon Snow retrospective. The last line quoted is from Bran Stark: “He needs to know the truth.” And I’d like to be there when he finds out. April can’t come soon enough.

In the meantime, which character should HBO tackle next? Jaime? Sansa? Bran? They’ve got plenty of options.

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Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

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