With the hype building up to the final season of the longstanding TV series and its final season coming out this April, everyone related to the creation of the entire series has been reaching out with their own perspectives of what happens in the show. While all of them seem to have sworn an oath of secrecy about the entire plot, they still talk about how they feel about the entire series in general, and especially about the events that are about to transpire in the final season without letting on much about it.

The President of Home Box Office, Casey Bloys is no exception. He revealed his thoughts in an interview stating that the final season would definitely be “emotionally thrilling.” He spoke about the last six episodes of the show which would be broadcast starting this April 14.

“Everything I have seen makes me very, very confident that this is a [season] fans are going to be very happy with,” Bloys remarked. “It is a dramatically and emotionally thrilling way to end the series. I believe it will live up to the very high expectations.”

Even Chairman and CEO of HBO had a few words to say about the end when previously asked about it. He was talking about the expectations from the series and how the series has gone right through them and far beyond with the newest and final season quickly approaching. He said that the episodes were amazing in themselves even without any CGI involved.

“It’s a spectacle. The guys have done six movies. The reaction I had while watching them was, ‘I’m watching a movie.’”

There have been quite a lot of fans who have been talking about the final season and what they think of it including Lena Headey, Kit Harrington, Liam Cunningham, and more. But with all the actors and staff speaking so highly of a series which really does deserve all of the recognition which it is getting, fans are getting more and more tense about the latest season set to kick off this April. All things shall be revealed when the final season of the epic starts.



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