Helen Sloan - HBO (3)

It’s here, everyone!  No, not the trailer, but the first official images from season 8!

None of the stills offer too much in the way of plot details, but there’s still plenty to feast your eyes upon. Without further delay, let’s get into them:

Helen Sloan - HBO (3)

Helen Sloan - HBO (2)

We’ve got a great, up-close look at one of Cersei’s gorgeous new gowns in season 8. It looks like she’s added some golden armor to her ensemble. This could be to make up for Jaime’s absence … or it could just be the reflection of the candlelight.

Helen Sloan - HBO (5)

Tyron stands on the ramparts of Winterfell, wearing a new wintery outfit that … somewhat reflects the design of Cersei’s new dress. Or is that just me?

Helen Sloan - HBO (4)

Here we see Jon standing in Winterfell courtyard looking … dare I say a little bit hopeful? In terms of the angling and location, it’s certainly possible that this image takes place in the same scene as …

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I mean, we know Arya and Jon have to reunite this season, don’t we? Don’t we? So why not here? Helen Sloan - HBO (6)

Daenerys continues to incorporate Westerosi climate and customs into her new wardrobe.

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Sansa’s looking very Queen of the North-y. As with the Jon and Arya stills, it’s dangerous (though tempting) to deduce too much. However, going by the eyelines, it very likely that Sansa and Daenerys’ stills take place in the same scene.

Helen Sloan - HBO (8)

A rare and hard-earned smile from Jaime Lannister, who’s now sporting a rugged (and very Northern) beard. The big question, of course, is who is he smiling at? (Like for Tyrion; reblog for Brienne. There are no other options).

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Brienne is looking intense at whatever is transpiring off screen (if the gods are good she’ll actually have something to do in season 8 .. *ahem*)

Helen Sloan - HBO (14)

Davos listens carefully as he sits with a winter-ready Unsullied soldier behind him. Helen Sloan - HBO (13)

Varys has made it to the North! And he, like everyone else, has tailored his outfit accordingly.

Helen Sloan - HBO (10)

The most tragic of the Starks (that’s right, I said it!) sits before the fire, perhaps contemplating how best to break some uncomfortable news to Westeros’ most affection aunt and nephew. Helen Sloan - HBO (9)

The last man of House Tarly smiles that warm, signature smile that we didn’t get to see much of last season. But how long until he learns that Daenerys is the, er, reason he’s the last man of House Tarly?

Helen Sloan - HBO (1)

Jon and Daenerys stand dramatically beyond the wall (judging from the landscape behind them, though it could possibly just be an especially rugged part of the North). Daenerys’ white fur dress has been updated with some red fabric. Is this to emphasize her Fire and Blood nature or just to differentiate herself from the background? We’ll have to wait and see.


This photo, which was released separately from the other season 8 photos, likely depicts the same scene between Jon and Daenerys but from a different angle. It’s nice to see that, as serious and down-to-business as they appear in their first photo, they still take the time to make lovey-dovey eyes at each other.



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