It is now the year of our lord 2019 everywhere across the world, and while we are all still in the throes of celebrating the demise of the complete and utter garbage fire that was 2018, HBO has taken time out to remind us all of what’s to come this year. Namely, Game of Thrones. The Throne show, baby. It back this year.

The long-awaited eight and final season of the show was announced way the hell back in 2016, but it’s taken until this year for anything to come of it.

But now, with around three-ish months until the series premieres, HBO has decided to commence the campaign of relentless teasing. Observe.

That’s it. That’s all they wrote. But hot damn is that ever enough to kick the hype machine into overdrive.

What does it all mean? What’s this a tease for? Who will survive, and what will be left of them?

For what it’s worth, fans with their fingers pressed far-harder on the button than you or I seem to think that HBO suddenly putting the name back in their mouths means a trailer isn’t too far away.

Second week of January, ay? That’s only… a coupla days away.

‘Course it’s all nothing but rampant speculation at this point, but HBO does tend to do all their Game of Thrones-related things with a fairly regimented sense of consistency, so it’s certainly not out of the realms of possibility.

Either way though, it’s definitely 2019 now. And Game of Thrones is definitely on the way back for one last ride.

Brace yourselves, etc.



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