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Featured Footage:
National Geographic Hell Documentary:
Preacher Finds Out Truth About Hell:
Priest Says Hell Is Fake:
Proof Of Heaven:
Sharon Stone Near Death Experience:
Infero – Dan Brown:
This is the End:
Game of Thrones:
Kanye West – Power:
God of War 3:
Dirt Devil:
Mike Patton Cartoon:

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  1. for me, I believe hell depends on the person. you get your own personal hell based on your hatred and fears of this life. for instance, instead of my hell being full of fire and screaming souls, it would be freezing and isolated. Idk thats just what I believe.

  2. I believe that hell is a cold isolated place where all who don't believe in God parish and suffer for their sins but then again I was raised thinking part of that and the other part from what I kinda think hell would be.

  3. I don't think there's anything after death. I think consciousness in general is unnatural in a way. Think about animals, they don't know they're alive, when they die obviously there's no animal heaven, they just disappear. We're just animals who have developed a conscious mind through evolution. No hell no heaven, we just stop existing. And it's a scary thought, that's why people came up with religion because thinking about how it actually probably is creates so much anxiety and dread.

  4. Honestly my opinion is kinda the same.

    If you live life to the fullest- you're rewarded with another life

    If you're depressed and sad- hell is like a dark isolated room, like a mental hospital room.

  5. Why does Shane wear the same shirt in every single one of his conspiracy videos? Did he film them all in one day? That's a lot of conspiracy Theories for one day and I find it hard to believe you would want to film all these conspiracy theories in one day so is Shane being forced to say these things? What if the YouTube community wants us to hear these things 😱 either that or I've been watching too many of these videos

  6. I believe that no matter what you do in life you will be reborn in some way while I don't believe in Christianity or any religious beliefs I do think that when you die you go to either a heaven like place or a hell or limbo type place for the length of your previous life to either right your wrongs or just relax and wait

  7. I'm not religious at all but I do believe in reincarnation, i believe that our souls are just energy that lives in a body until the body dies and then the energy goes to a new born body and the energy just kinda recycles itself.

  8. I think hell is something you have to go to no matter how good or bad you are. When you go to hell you get judged by perfect souls . If you did a good deed you go to a one island of rock that doesn't burn and is a little like heaven but you are still in pain hearing the screams of others. In this world you also have the chance to be reborn. If you didn't do anything good or bad you go to an island that still burns but not with fire. With the visions of what you could have done good or bad. If you did something horrible you go to a chamber that has a ladder and a trap door on the ceiling but when you grab the ladder the door locks. If you were reborn 3 times and went to the first island every time, you go to heaven.

  9. I’m Muslim and Muslims believe that when a person dies, he/she remains dead up until judgment day ( end of the world ). Next, people are judged by their good deeds and bad deeds, he/she who has more good deeds than bad go to heaven, and if the opposite, they go to hell. And we believe that demons and Satan are all going to hell, in where they have no power or control over everything, just burning and suffering their for eternity

  10. Shane's theory on Hell is exactly how i felt when I was tripping really badly, my whole body was paralyzed, my past and things i didn't even know i remembered would flash before me. I'd only sometimes see what was around me but for the most part, it was darkness. I didnt know who i was, i only felt my chest, it wasn't moving, but it was painful. I didnt even know where i was, everything went so slowly but time was moving so fast. i woke up when my friend carried me outside, but i'll never forget that purgatory-like trance i was in for i dont know how long.


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