“Just Like Sleep”
Artist: Passarella Death Squad
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  1. This track is so epic <3
    When I played this game two days ago at the end of the game it was really hard for me to focus on that last battle.
    When the music started i was completley flashed an thought "Wow what a great song for a battle"

  2. it's a powerful game. much deeper than Life is strange … I cried at the end. i ran and screamed against that enemy darkness! rarely a game involved me so much I think there will be a new poster in my room

  3. 大概翻译了一下(并不是所有的)















  4. Dude this game was just . . . fabulous . . . amazing . . . original . . . I was in a place where I couldn't find a good game to play and this just blew my mind for how simple and yet how stunning this game was and the combat IDK it just clicked and worked perfectly with the story.
    Since I can't play Breath of The Wild or Mario Odisey this is my game of the year.

  5. How sleep differs from death?

    Sleep is a minor death. During sleep only soul is departing from the body and life is not departing as explained in the verses 6: 60 and 39: 42, while in death the Rooh containing soul + life is departing. One has the soul only when the remembrance of Lord is maintained with Adhikr. Those who don’t testify Adhikr and don’t propagate It to others after receiving are in the state of sleeping. That is they have only life without soul. This is the reason for saying that the hypocrites who knowingly hide Adhikr are killed as told in the verses 2:99; 63: 4 and 80: 17.


  6. I could barely see through my tears. My hand was on fire, cramping up from hammering buttons. I wouldn't stop fighting. And for a moment, I felt Senua's pain and my own emotional trauma magnified and shown through my lifelong passion: video games.

    Thank you, Ninja Theory.


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