Game of Thrones is coming out on April 14 – which is officially around 70 days or lesser away. While we were waiting until today for some big announcement, Game of Thrones enhanced the hype! It was with an advertisement released by Game of Thrones for the Budweiser Super Bowl happening this Sunday. While some hopeful fans like me still believe we are getting a trailer soon, others think this has just been done on purpose to build up the hype!

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Well, if you’re a true Game of Thrones fan – you would hope for some major announcement like a trailer or footage or the official poster on Sunday. Yet, much-hype was built only upon receiving a notification on your mobiles. The advertisement featured the classic Budweiser “Dilly Dilly” Kingdom and audience waiting for a jousting competition.

Unluckily for the Bud Knight who had to duel with the Mountain – got his head crushed after being defeated. Next, we saw Drogon flying above and soon coming down to set the place ablaze, announcing – Game of Thrones releases on April 14 and that ‘Winter is here! Here are some of the reactions we saw on Twitter.

HBO insisted that “The Bud Knight had to die” during the Super Bowl commercialStarting with the creator the Game of Thrones universe – George RR Martin himself, who tweeted:


Some other mixed reactions included:

Yet, some fans are still hopeful that we’re getting something from Game of Thrones this Sunday. Some reactions were:


Yet, some funny and sarcastic reactions came in like these:

What was your own reaction to the commercial? Tell us in the comments.



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