Game of Thrones is a show that has pretty much normalized on-screen death for us, and the show has so much of it that one of the biggest suspense elements of the end of the show is who will live, and who will die. While it looks like we will have to wait another year to find out for sure, an algorithm seems to have devised the numbers for the key characters, so we can get an idea about the odds. Read on!

Taylor Larkin, a PhD data scientist who works with analytics firm DataRobot has created a computer algorithm to predict Game of Thrones Season 8 deaths. The algorithm has sifted through about 2000 Wiki entries for the key characters, and calculated the odds of death by factoring in things like gender, age, house, and relatives. Let’s take a look at the odds:

Daenerys Targaryen – 83.77% chance of death
Jaime Lannister – 72.91% chance of death
Tyrion Lannister – 70.76% chance of death
Bran Stark – 66.02% chance of death
Cersei Lannister – 60.39% chance of death
Jon Snow – 58.99% chance of death
Euron Greyjoy – 54.95% chance of death
Sansa Stark – 50.28% chance of death
Arya Stark – 49.04% chance of death
Gendry – 39.87% chance of death

There is a few more insights. The algorithm picked reasons for death, the top three, and for all these characters, the top reason is dead relatives, except for Gendry, for whom it is the fact that he is affiliated to the Brotherhood without Banners. Another factor is that males tend to die more than females, and belonging to houses like Targaryen add to a character’s chances of dying.

Now, to state the obvious, this is purely computed data, and we all know how Game of Thrones can be unpredictable, so these are just mathematical possibilities. Maker of the algorithm, Larkin said:

“I’m not even sure a machine learning algorithm could have predicted the amount of emotional distress this show has caused, and will continue to cause, as we all wait for the Long Night to come to an end.”

No doubts about that! What do you guys think about this? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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