Game of Thrones” fans may shed a tear when HBO’s fantasy epic draws to a close following its eighth and final season, but the British actress says she’s eager for the show to end so that she can pursue other projects.

It’s “incredibly exciting” and “will be nice to pick roles that I want to do,” the 20-year-old told BBC Newsbeat in a piece published online Thursday.

“I can show the world what sort of actress I want to be and shape my career a little bit,” she added.

Williams has appeared as the sword-wielding, list-keeping Arya Stark since she was just 14. The actress acknowledged that the prospect of not having the show as a safety net was “nerve wracking.”

But “on the other hand,” Williams said she’ll be “free” and able to develop independent movies via her newly-launched production company.

For the full interview with Williams, head to BBC Newsbeat.



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