Game of Thrones ended nearly two years ago. The fantasy series set the bar for quality TV shows really high. Game of Thrones springboarded the television industry. High-grade scenery, CGI and battle scenes were comparable and exceeding to that of movies. One of the show’s extras, Andrew McClay, talked about the show’s legacy in Northern Ireland.

McClay has started his own production company to pay things forward. According to him, one of the best legacies of Game of Thrones is how it paved the way for a whole new generation of people to get into the TV and movie business. Especially from Northern Ireland, where much of the series was filmed.

Game of Thrones Extra Andrew McClay talks about the show’s legacy in Northern Ireland

Andrew told the Irish Mirror, “I remember standing on the set of King’s Landing in Season 8 for that pillaging scene,” McClay recalled. “I’m standing next to this friend of mine and he’s always wanted to be a cameraman. He turns around to me and he goes, ‘fuck it, I’m going to ask [cinematographer] Fabian Wagner for a job.’ I was like, ‘go for it big balls.’”

He walks up and goes, ‘Hey Fabian, what’s happening?! I’ve done this kind of thing before. I was wondering if you have any room for anybody on your crew?’ That was a Thursday but then on Monday, I landed on the set and start to get ready for a take before I see my mate holding the clapperboard.! He’d later go off to work with the photographers and stuff like that. He’s still working as a cameraman on different productions now.”

How do you feel about Game of Thrones’ legacy? Talk to us in the comments below!



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