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  1. best #10 for me right NOW is Messi. He is no supporting striker anymore, he is just too good to stop him in deeper areas thats why he appears more to be up front. Behind Messi is a group of guys that interpret the #10 differently, among those guys are defintely: Özil, De Bruyne and also Silva.
    What you guys should keep in mind though is that Pep rarely plays with a #10 in his system, so you can always make an argument against De Bruyne and Silva by calling them actual #8.

  2. Put some respect on ozil name. He's easily as good as David Silva and his peak was something else. He produced in the premier league so HH needs to stop acting like he's a nobody, only in big games he's been terrible…let's not forget he's playing for Arsenal that loser DNA doesn't help. Also everyone knows it's harder playing with trash players than it is good. This guy had to rely on giroud and now a slow lacazette for his Arsenal career. Mourinho will revive him when he comes to #MUFC

  3. If Ozil was in a top team with players running off him he'd look like a world beater. Easily one of the best playmakers in the world on his day. Hes not the type of player to carry a team he's very one dimensional.

  4. Silva is better than Ozil. Since 2010, nobody has had more assists in the PL than David Silva, and that is despite having some massive injuries in some seasons that sat him out for months, and also playing very deep last season. Last season Pep moved De Bruyne inside (because Pellegrini was wasting him on the wing – De Bruyne is not a winger) and Silva played deeper and was great at dominating possession, although being deeper meant it was harder for him to register assists (but De Bruyne exploded and registered almost 20 league assists). This season, Pep switched it around. De Bruyne now plays the deeper 'free 8' role while Silva has been moved forward back into the 10 role and Silva is just tearing teams apart again. He is the assist leader, and creates chances for fun. Because De Bruyne is younger than Silva and has more energy to get up and down, De Bruyne is better suited to playing deep and getting forwards to join in attacks than Silva was hence why De Bruyne is still racking up assists. But anyway, its not just about assists. Silva dominates games with his passing and ball retention (he never loses the ball). He also is never quiet. He always shows for the ball to get involved in the play.

    De Bruyne is not a winger. He is an excellent crosser, but he hasn't got the pace to beat fullbacks. He is a midfielder who drifts wide. For Wolfsburg he played as a 10, and for City he played better centrally than on the wing. I always felt he was wasted when Pellegrini stuck him out wide in a 4-2-3-1. Pep moved him inside last season as a 10 (while Silva played deeper as a CM which is why Silva didn't get many assists last season) and he was great and registered the league's most assists. He is an attacking midfielder, but this season (and for his national team too) De Bruyne is now playing deeper as a 'free' number 8 rather than a number 10. He comes back to receive the ball deep, he sprays passes, and makes runs from deep to join in attacks and sniffs out pockets of space, but he covers the defensive side too – he presses and/or tracks back when not in possession. He is the complete central midfielder. He is essentially playing the same role for us that Modric does for Madrid, or Xavi did for Barca. I would now classify De Bruyne as a central midfielder. Also De Bruyne is miles better than Ozil if you did count him as an attacking midfielder. Since the 2013/2014 season, De Bruyne has had more assists than anyone playing in any of Europe's top 5 leagues. But he is so much more than just assists like Ozil. He dominates games from midfield, and he wins back possession too.

    If you ask who the best all-round midfielder is in Europe, I would actually argue De Bruyne.

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  6. In my honest opinion. Busquets is the best DM I've seen. People don't rate him because he doesn't do any skills. Look at the way he is able to play under so much pressure. In the positions he gets the ball in, if he loses it, it's a goal for the opposition. His intellegence is also underrated.


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