By popular request, a theory surrounding Bran Stark and all of History in a Song of Ice and Fire and a Game of Thrones.

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  1. Not sure if the show will go that way, what would be the point of the cave painting scene unless it happened before? Unless Bran went back in time and painted the caves, because he knew that would be a way to convince Danny, but it seems unlikely…

  2. It's a very interesting theory, I only see one flaw though… maybe. The Children of the Forest are supposedly very long lived, and in the show and books Bran eventually meets Leaf. In the books I think Leaf is only two to three-hundred years old which would fit into your theory, but in the show it seems as though she's at least 10,000 years of age since she is responsible for creating the White Walkers. If the 10,000 number is her true age, then your theory is less plausible since Leaf was supposedly there to witness… well… all of it. Lol

  3. Jon will offer to abdicate crown of the North since his true given name is not Stark…But Mormont girl-Queen of Bear Island will insist he stay King. (Mormont girl is EXTREMELY loyal to Jon)…(Taboo or not, there are worse things than incest)

  4. An interesting test of this theory would be to search the internet to see who the first one who came up with it was, and if they came up with it Before GRR said that fans had guessed the ending

  5. Im sorry, i don't buy it. First of all because time travel and paradoxes creating themselves and their own past/future has been done to death, regardless of the environment it's happening in. Secondly it would not make sense. If Brann can warg into basically anyone from the present and past, there would be no reason for him to let the night's king and whitewalkers be created in the first place.

  6. It's a nice little theory, though it doesn't entirely fit. For example, the birth order of the Greyjoy brothers is that Balon is the eldest brother, followed by Euron, then Victarion and finally Aeron "Damphair". So, Victarion is the younger brother to Euron. While Euron has supplanted his nephew Theon and niece Asha in the succession due to the former's disappearance and the latter's failure in the king's moot, he is the third in line after them.

  7. So people built a wall on the basis of stories? No. People will do things in response to a real threat..not to stories. Bran would have had to make himself a God to those people. Nope I'm not accepting this.

  8. people 1struggle to believe in walkers when their actually walkimg about. he would sound like a madman explaining to people in the past (where they dont exist) about ice zombies in the future!!!

  9. Right before watching this video I came up with idea that there will be a fight around Westeros between Jon-Dany-others vs NK + WW. Many of people (including probably Dany) and walkers will die. After those events both sides will realize the war between them is so damn pointless and make a Peace

  10. Calling it: Danaeris gets turned into a white walker, takes a position of power within the white walkers, Jon Snow marries her in order to form a pact, it doesn't work and the world ends, Bran is forced to send himself back in time to set the defensive preparations into motion, but ends up becoming the Night King in the process. Bittersweet!

  11. So Bran is his own ancestor. He's his fathers grandfather 8 thousand generations or so over. This is an information overload unlike anything I've ever experienced.

  12. Huh… this is an interesting one. It would explain all the explanations of skin changers warging into an animal for a second life, Varamyr's epiphany that he could exist free from any body (at least for awhile), and how Bran has the unusual ability to warg a person. I guess he could warg into someone in the distant past?

    It'd give some symbolic meaning to the Night's King grabbing Bran's arm in the show, too.

  13. What if Bloodraven was also not actually Bloodraven, or he is merged with another green seerand that's why he said he's been there for a thousand years?

    Also, what if Bran, in a last ditch effort, after the final war was lost, went back farther then expected and was trapped there. Maybe he finds out that that was when the race of white walkers first came to be, or that there he would find the means to kill them? If that's the case, then history might be bound to repeat itself forever, since what he was looking for didn't actually exist. His next best plan would be to make sure, like you say, that the world is prepared. The making of the white walkers after the pact is weird. What if he considered his going back to be the thing that created them (or maybe he had them created with dragon glass thinking that that would be the way to kill them). Thus they were really created first. Then the first men were possibly Daenarys' army and the pact with the Children is yet to come. But then, wouldn't Bloodraven have been able to see this and try to stop the loop? What if that is the teaser ending and then it turns out that something that Bloodraven said to Bran was indeed the way to break the loop. Maybe this is successful, maybe it's not, or maybe one of the reasons for the loop is that Bloodraven wasn't able to finish what he needed to tell Bran. This could happen if Greenseers can only see and go into the past, but not the future. Bloodraven knew what he needed to tell Bran but mistakenly thought he had more time, since he couldn't see the future. Have Greenseers ever been able to travel to or see the future? What if there was no mention of daenerys and dragons is because for some reason Bran thought that dragons were part of the problem since they destroyed his wall, they can be turned by the night king etc. probably not the case, but I like the opposite of that, namely that Bran is the one that gave the Targaryans dragons, namely to an ancestor who was able to see the future, in dreams. Maybe that happens because before the end of this, Daenerys is forced to wed the night king, to make the pact, and that is who the Nights King of the watch is with his white haired etc bride. It's no longer Daenerys and so she is under his control and becomes a bad guy, and maybe the night king is a Stark of the watch like the Nights King was. This way the Night King doesn't need a motive to attack, it's simply conquest. Or it could be that he is trying to break the loop by killing Bran, or CANNOT see the future and therefore the loop, but this answers the question of why he's attacking now, he can only kill Bran once is is alive in a time that he is certain to be. Maybe he just wants to die, but knows the only way he can die is by ensuring he is never turned in the first place. Could it be that the Targaryan that Bran taught to control dragons was a worg, but that over time, the bloodline watered down and the targaryans at some point ceased being able to worg into the dragons but had been doing it so long that they retained a bond of telepathy with the dragons and bred those that also retained the connection. That would be the myth that they actually were dragons, when they used to worg into them. Also why the targaryans "remember."

  14. If bran is the night King then this may be his attempt to bring the world together by creating a force so strong that only a group of United men have a chance to stop it. It forces all houses and sworn enemies to work together to defeat evil.

  15. Please please please stop trying to talk like a news reader. It's so difficult to listen to. Going up at the end of each sentence is very tiring. Apart from that it's all very interesting.


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